Tag Archive | "Orphan Care"

Crazy Adoption Month: Who Picks Who?

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Crazy Adoption Month: Who Picks Who?

Posted on 07 November 2011 by Kari Gibson

November is National Adoption Month, a time to raise awareness about the adoption of children and youth from foster care. In honor of Orphan Sunday and Adoption Awareness, I’m thrilled to share some amazing adoption stories from bloggers and posts to inspire you to open your hearts to adoption and orphan care. This month, you can WIN a mission trip to visit orphans here. Every single purchase of a Missions Giveaway tee will touch the life of an orphan in 13 countries all over the world. You can be a part of changing the life of a child and the winner- together!

I hope you find encouragement as you read “Who Picks Who” one of my favorite and most difficult posts to write. We are grateful to celebrate adoption and the miracle God gave us- our precious daughter Zoie Senait.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions:

  • Do I pick adoption or does adoption pick me?
  • How do I know if I’m really called to adopt?
  • Is adoption right for me?
  • Will I have an “Ah Ha” moment?

Well, how do you know if you should adopt? You might be feeling in your heart to adopt, but your head is thinking, “God, adoption? Do you know how many details I would have to work on?” I have been asked many times how does this big ‘”Ah-ha” happen… the exact moment when you knew adoption was the right thing for you to do?  Every adoption story is different and personal and unique.  We all have expectations for how we think life will play out, and we all hope those plans will become realities.  But, what happens when God calls us to do something crazy out of the ordinary?  What do we do when the “ah ha” is too big and too scary and too risky?

Adoption is not for everyone, I understand that we all have different callings, gifts, talents and passions.  James 1:27 “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”  We are all called to do something, to take care of orphans…whether it’s sponsoring a child, missions, foster care, financial, or adoption.  This is my adoption story, the one God wrote for Roger and I… a story we had no idea how it would play out or end.

It’s difficult for me to look back in time at my own personal journey to adopt Zoie, but if my story can help encourage or point you in the right direction, it’s worth it to me.  In 1999, my heart was finally healing over the loss of our son and the craziness of having a 26 week old micro-preemie, who was now a healthy three year old.  I loved being a mommy and desired to expand our family through adoption.  My biggest hurdle was convincing Roger that we should adopt.  It seemed like such an easy question, but it had taken me a long time to find the courage to ask.  I had no idea how he would respond.  I will never forget the day I asked my hubby, “Do you want to adopt?”  In 0.2 seconds, Roger said, “Nope.” Okay, perhaps he did not hear understand what I was referring to, so I asked the same question in a different way. This time I knew he heard, because his reply was even more accelerated this time, “No, I’m sorry, but adoption is just not for me!”  I asked if he would pray about it and he said he would, but I think he said that just to put an end to the conversation.  I never spoke to him about adoption again.  A simple question, turned into a dangerous surrender of my heart.

Three years later, my hubby out of the blue asked me a question that totally caught me off guard, “Do you still want to adopt?”  My mouth dropped, I was speechless.  I remember stuttering and laughing and choking out the words- “are you serious?”  I couldn’t believe that God had answered my prayers in such an extraordinary way, but it was three years later and so much had changed in my life.  My children were older and life was feeling easier and calmer and quieter- they were both in school.  I wasn’t so sure anymore if adoption was “our thing” so I told him lets give it some time and think about it.  How could it be possible that my heart wasn’t willing, and my reasons were so shallow.  I struggled constantly asking, “God, why are you bothering me with this?”  I had shared my desire to adopt several times during my “hiatus” with my mom, my best friend and others – they all said the same thing… are you crazy?!  Fear had settled into my heart.  Fear to not do something radical and unfamiliar.  I did not know a single person in my community that had adopted a child… I was clueless about the adoption process.  I believed that without the blessing from my hubby, family and friends I would never have the courage to adopt.  It was a case closed in fear.

It’s crazy I know, but God cracked opened the case files.  He urgently prompted Roger and I to move forward with adoption.  I know that sounds really strange, but I can only explain how it happened for us.   Our “Ah ha” moment came six years later after my original request.  Our breakthrough was an adorable, spunky nine year old who became our family ambassador.  She begged and prayed and pleaded and nagged and insisted we adopt a baby.  We came up with brilliant excuses, but our daughter, Hannah was relentless.  We loved being a mom and dad, wanted to expand our family, but how in the world were we going to know if we heard His voice and make the right decision for our family?  We started praying for clarification, neon signs flashing, anything to help us know what to do.  Our son pretty much thought we’d lost our marbles- even told us we were “whacked,” but we committed to prayer.  We prayed and prayed for two years, but still fear was our worst enemy.  We were scared to death and it made us feel paralyzed to make the final decision to adopt.  We finally had several friends who had adopted or were in the process of adopting, but we just couldn’t move forward.

What do you do when you are afraid?  Anxiety means, A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties. Fear was flat out keeping us from doing the work God had planned in our lives.  We started hanging up verses all over the house.  Our favorite was Philippians 4:6-7 and we claimed that verse and spoke it out loud every chance we had.  There are too many crazy stories to tell you, but when we finally wrote out a check to an adoption agency, AWAA (awaa.org) and filled out the application to start our adoption to China, we were overcome with thrills, chills and slight nausea.  This was it… we knew there was no turning back.  We were surrendering our inconveniences, expectations, dreams, hopes and family to jump in faith and obey God’s voice.  We had to trust He had a plan for our lives that would lead us to a place of peace.

Do you get it?  Adoption picked us.  It picked us and it wrecked our lives for the better.  We are a part of something so much bigger and its not about us. We are crazy in love with our children, advocating for adoption, orphan ministry and encouraging other families to step into the world of adoption or foster care.  At first, we avoided God’s call and then surrendered to His plans.  He never let go of us and He will guide you, too. John 14:18 “No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you.” He can and will provide for you-and for what He has called you to do.  He never leads us where he will not sustain us- The manna will come!

In an upcoming post, Adoption 101: Joy Opportunity Lost, my hubby and I discuss what happens when you are called to adopt and you miss the opportunity.  This is for the doubters, the stumblers, the procrastinators, the “I’m still think’n about it”, the excuse makers, the runners and the “God, are you talking to me?”  Roger and I tried them all out for many years and I want to help eliminate the danger of you missing out on God-breathed adoption miracles.

I’d love to hear your “Ah Ha” moments when adoption picked you.  Please share your breakthroughs in the comments with me.

Great story of a mom who struggled with the term “just adopt

Click here to buy your GIVEAWAY tee!!

1 tee = 1 entry to win a mission trip!

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They Are Ripe For Harvest

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They Are Ripe For Harvest

Posted on 09 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

Our staff at Visiting Orphans has had a heavy heart this Fall season. Maybe not everyone as much as me since I oversee the agency, but what has been difficult is watching as trip after trip was cancelled this Fall season due to lack of interest while our Summer 2012 trips and December 2011 trips fill up with waiting lists. Sure, we know all the reasons. We understand that everyone is heading back to school and most are focused on this time of their personal lives or family’s life. However, it still burdens us as we know how much these children need each one of us at ALL times of the year.Autumn or Fall is my favorite time of year. I love how this season is considered the Harvest season. Recently I read this blog post entitled “When Visiting Is Enough”. The author of this blog explained how one visit to a child can indeed change their life. If you are willing to go, obey and be used, God can use YOU to plant a seed in that child’s life. Yes, it can be excruciating to then leave, walk away, not knowing what will happen to that child. But for this particular blogger, years later she was able to actually see what happened to the seed she planted!As she returned to Russia, to the same village where she told this little girl about Christ, she found out that this little girl, through the help of ANOTHER christian in Russia had and was still being disciplined! She had aged out of this orphanage but was now living with the hope of Christ.This past Sunday while I was worshipping the Lord spoke to me and said, this is the Harvest season. If my workers would just GO, they could be the ones to bring in the HARVEST of those who went on all the Visiting Orphans’ Summer trips. Those who planted the seeds. The ones traveling this Fall season will be used by God to continue watering these seeds, bringing in the harvest. He wants us to participate in what Jesus has already started in these children’s lives through others.

Do you think that investing in ONE child’s life makes a difference? Jesus thinks so. When Jesus walked the earth, He was here to die in our place. He had SO much to be concerned about each day and moment. Much like we do this Fall season. However, in John 4, Jesus chose to speak to ONE Samaritan woman. The Jews considered the Samaritans lesser than themselves, yet He esteemed her. So she had an ENCOUNTER with the one true Messiah. And through this one woman’s changed life and testimony many in her town also chose to believe in Him. (John 4: 39). With all the cares in this sinful world, Jesus chose to spend 10 minutes in conversation with this woman. He chose her. One person and her life changed MANY. Her encounter with Christ reaped a harvest.

“Do you not say “Four months more and then the harvest? (Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec) I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!! THEY ARE RIPE FOR HARVEST. ” Even NOW the reaper draws his wages, even NOW he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together! Thus the saying, “One sows and another reaps is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor”. John 4:34-38.

Don’t you just love God’s word?! We just need you to GO this Fall season.. Please enter into His true labor and choose to change the life of one orphan, one child, and bring in the harvest. That’s what this season is about. Let your feasting this holiday season be to do the will of the one who sent Him.

“My food, said Jesus, is to do the will of Him who sent me and to FINISH His work.”

To find out more about our Fall trips please visit www.visitingorphans.org.

Amanda Lawrence
Executive Director

P.O. Box 668
Nolensville, TN 37135

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Beautiful Princesses In Uganda 2011

Posted on 19 June 2011 by Kari Gibson

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Why in the World Would You?

Posted on 04 June 2011 by Kari Gibson

(Scott- photos needed)


We are relatively new to adoption.  In fact, we’ve only just begun our home study and recently started telling friends and family about an incredible journey God has placed us on.  For a little over a year now we’ve been part of a ministry that shares the gospel with imprisoned children (some of whom are orphans) in Uganda.  It’s been a wonderful year and during that time God placed a desire on our hearts to adopt a child (maybe more) from one of the prisons.

Thankfully we’re in a community of families who have either adopted or are in the process of adopting, so we weren’t entirely shocked by some of the comments we started receiving after we announced our desire to adopt from Uganda.  Here are just a few we’ve received from well-intentioned friends and family after making our announcement:

“Why in the world would YOU want to do this?  YOU do enough already!”

“God has blessed YOU with such a beautiful family.  Why would YOU want to mess it up?”

“Why would YOU want to ‘muddy the waters’?”
“How are YOU going to afford putting 5 children through college?”

“YOU already have to pay for 4 weddings. How are YOU going to pay for another?”

“How can YOU love them all the same?”

“Where are YOU going to put all these kids?”

“YOU can’t handle the 4 YOU have.  How are YOU going to deal with MORE children?”

We apologize if it sounds a bit harsh but after listening to this all we want to say to our well-intentioned friends and family is “Get behind me, Satan!  You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”  Matt. 16:23.

Honestly, do you think we care one ounce about how we’re going to pay for a wedding 20 years from now?  Or what the sleeping arrangements might be in our house when our son or daughter arrives, or how this might impact the college fund for our children?  Please.

Nearly all of these comments are pragmatic and focused on how OUR life might be affected.  What about God?  Not once have we received a critical comment grounded in God’s Word!  Not once.

Or what about the life of the child God has called to our family?  What about his or her life? Should we allow them to continue living in prison and oppression so that our biological children have a nicer wedding or a better sorority experience at college?

Here are a few other comments (some of which we’ve actually received and some of which would be nice to hear).  Notice the difference from the statements above:

“I’m so excited.  I can’t wait to see how GOD works through all this!”

“What a beautiful picture of GOD’S grace.  May HE bless you as you walk in obedience to HIS call.”

“I’m praying for your family.”

“Praise GOD!”

“This will be a difficult journey but GOD will sustain you.”

“We want to walk alongside you in this.  Please let us know how we can help.”

“What an incredible picture of the Gospel!”

We realize there are a number of issues to consider – financial, medical, social, etc…  Unexpected things will happen and we can’t plan for all of them, nor do we feel we need to.  We know adoption will be tough.  We’re not kidding ourselves.  But God didn’t call us to a simple life of leisure and pleasure.  He calls us to a life of sacrifice where there will be suffering, persecution and reviling.  A place where we rely on Him for everything.

And we trust and know in the deepest part of our heart that God will equip us.  We have been “created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  Eph. 2:10.  All we have to do is walk in them. He has already paved the way.  We’re just walking down a road He’s cleared, graded, and prepared from the foundation of time.

So why in the world would we do this?  The answer is simple.  Our hearts desire to honor and serve God through adoption.  There’s no other explanation.  It may not be pragmatic or make sense, but we feel this is how God will be exalted in our life and we will not turn to the left or right no matter what strained logic this world uses or how unconventional it may seem.

To us there’s only one comment that matters:  “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

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A Filmakers Journey To Korah

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A Filmakers Journey To Korah

Posted on 02 June 2011 by Kari Gibson

You think you understand poverty, struggle, oppression, thirst, hunger, sorrow, joy, passion. Then you visit one of the poorer villages of Ethiopia; these words represent the rule, not the exception. My visits to Ethiopia, once in 2010 and again in 2011, were an awakening for me. I have been to developing nations before and witnessed poverty-stricken places first-hand, but somehow Ethiopia seems different. The needs of the people there are so great, yet their resilience seems undying and unstoppable.

So what can I do to help, to make a difference? What can one person do? And then I meet the people working there to make a difference, people like Summer Yates, Dave McIlrath, Jerry Shannon, Kari Gibson, Ephrem Hagos, Sammy Liben, the list goes on. What can one person do? It turns out, a whole lot!
As a filmmaker, I have the opportunity to capture life in moving pictures and sound. In our world, multimedia such as movies, online videos, television, reaches people in a profound way. It is no surprise that more than ninety percent of most large corporations’ marketing budgets are spent on television advertising – it reaches people, it gets attention, it works. But creating quality multimedia is expensive and too often, only the organizations that have money can afford to create the media that in turn generates more money for the organization.

So what can one person do? Well, I know what I can do – I can create media that organizations like Visiting Orphans, Project 61, Mission Ethiopia, Ethiopian Youth Soccer could otherwise not afford to create at no cost to them. They can in turn use that media to generate the awareness and ultimately the funds they need to continue their work in Ethiopia.

So if creating media is too expensive for most of these organizations to afford, how can a small-time indie filmmaker such as myself afford to create it? That is what I kept asking myself over and over as I witnessed this need firsthand and looked down at the camera I held in my hands. I have the energy, I have the tools, all I need is a few dollars to get it done. My good friend Dave McIlrath from Ethiopia Guest Homes offered me a solution – if he funded a trip to get me over to Ethiopia, perhaps I could get the footage I need for the projects and I could figure out the funding for the project completion later.

Which brings us to present day. The footage has been shot and is ready for the three months it will take to turn that footage into finished films. I am ready and excited to finish the work, but one thing remains – the funding part. I need to raise a minimum of $15,000 to get these films completed and every dollar will help. I am using a service called Kickstarter to accomplish this fundraising and it allows people to donate any amount of money to the project using a credit card. The challenge to using this service is that not one penny of the funds will be awarded unless the full amount of $15,000 is reached, so it is essential that I reach this goal. Please check out my Kickstarter page (http://kck.st/iZrKeY), pledge what you can, help me get these films out there for people to see.

What can one person do? They can do a lot, but only with the support of many caring individuals such as yourself. Our individual actions are catalysts for the actions of many. It starts with the power of one and ends with the power of everyone working together to make our world a better place for everyone in it.

Your friend,
Sam Nuttmann
The Ethiopia Projects: http://kck.st/iZrKeY

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Important Shipping Info – When will I get my tees (?)

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Important Shipping Info – When will I get my tees (?)

Posted on 27 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

Thank you so much for supporting Man Up Blitz- your tees are helping missions in a big, crazy way…  feeding a community in Korah and provide mattresses for the poor living there.  We will start selling the NEW tees again on July 1st.

Shipping Information:

We ordered ALL the tees in bulk on May 26th to save every penny for missions- allow 2 weeks for delivery.

For the next 7 days, you can purchase this brand new, exclusive Man Up tee with our logo- Man Up. Protect and Love the Fatherless.  We had a contest and this was the winning artwork (way to go Amber Maack!)  The first 20 people who purchase $50 of products or more will receive a FREE hand made Uganda Magazine Bead necklace -my gift to you!

The tees are printed on high quality Next Level brand- color: olive with black ink.  Shirts are cut slightly fitted “athletic style” I suggest ordering up one size for exception fit if you want roomier tee.

Father’s Day Blitz ends at midnight on May 26th!!  We have some sizes in stock, but please allow up to 2 weeks delivery.  All tees delivered by Father’s Day!!

Why Man Up?

What an amazing gift for your dad, hubby, and sons (women too) to Man Up for orphans all over the world.  I challenge you to pass on the message of loving, caring, blessing, visiting, hugging, playing and ministering to the fatherless.  My hubby came up with our logo two years ago and it spread like crazy!  It’s something we can all do- we are ALL called to protect and love orphans.  If you are interested in joining us on a Visiting Orphans mission trip- click here to learn more.


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The Crazy Gift of Presence

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The Crazy Gift of Presence

Posted on 17 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

I wrote a post in March titled Dangerous Surrender Is Crazy [read more].  Kay Warren’s book has flat out changed my life!  She wrote about visiting a leprosarium in the Philippines and I cried my eyes out.  It was very surreal reading her words and completely understanding what she was talking about.  I had the incredible opportunity on my Visiting Orphans mission trip in February to minister to lepers.  I remember feeling complete abandon sitting with the precious locals of Korah and helping them eat their lunch.  I will never really know what it meant to the men and women who were blessed by our team, but we gave them the gift of presence. We were there, physically loving the community of Korah, despite generations of neglect, sorrow, pain, and rejection.  When you go on a mission trip you give the gift of presence.  Holding a baby who has been abandoned- gives them hope and comfort.  Advocating for people who desperately need love is the greatest adventure of your life.  I want to continue encouraging moms to do it afraid, love like crazy, and go on a mission trip.  Crazy moms like, Kristen Welch understand what it means to advocate as a busy mom for the fatherless.

When you extend [radical] hospitality to Christian brothers, sisters, even when they’re strangers, you make the FAITH visible (3 John 5 MSG).

Just for moms- What have you done this year to give the gift of presence- in your homes or on a mission trip?

(Lori- winner of the Mission Trip Giveaway with a precious leper in Korah)

Chapter 7 – Dangerous Surrender

  1. In this chapter Kay describes a transformation in her understanding of the essence of compassionate service. Contrast her understanding at the beginning of the chapter with her understanding at the end.
  2. Discuss the various levels of impact we can have on
    those in need:
    • providing physical labor
    • speaking words of truth
    • simply being compassionately present
    Do you tend to place a higher value on one over the others? Why or why not?
  3. How might the thought of being a container of God influence your impression of what you have to offer to a hurting world?
  4. Why did many of the residents of the leprosarium in the Philippines who were already cured of leprosy remain there? Compare their experiences with that of people who bear the “scars” of broken lives as they consider visiting or joining a church.
  5. Name specific improvements a local congregation can implement to become a place of greater welcome and safety for those who bear the scars of brokenness.
  6. Kay writes, “To make a difference, you don’t have to have a grand strategy for eliminating poverty, HIV/AIDS, illiteracy, greed, or suffering.” What is needed? How does this realization affect your willingness to personally engage with a hurting world?

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My Hubby Shares – Man Up & Lead

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My Hubby Shares – Man Up & Lead

Posted on 03 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

There was a horse that nobody really wanted. He was deemed too short, too slow and considered by his owners to be lazy. Many thoroughbred owners quickly gave up on him and wrote him off as useless until a very special man came into this horse’s life. Instantly, the gentleman saw tremendous potential and he knew this horse was very special. Nobody else could figure out why he decided to invest his money and time into a horse that was clearly a loser. But he didn’t care what others thought. He knew when he looked the horse in the eyes that he possessed a tremendous amount of potential, determination, and desire. All he needed was the right kind of leadership, solid coaching, and an opportunity to be the next champion. The horse named Seabiscuit later became the legendary winner who inspired hope for so many during the Great Depression.

When I was in Korah (Ethiopia) I looked into the eyes of many orphans and saw something special. It must have been the same feeling that Seabiscuit’s trainer experienced when he first laid his eyes on him. I could sense something special there. (I think everyone on our February mission team would agree.) As I worked my way over to Great Hope Ministry I met a young man named, Sammy. Instantly, I saw a man who deeply loves his community. A man who answered the call to: Man Up 4 the fatherless, widows, and the hungry. Sammy has a fascinating story and you can read about it soon on My Crazy Adoption Blog.

As I think about Sammy and Project 61 ministry I marveled at how God has orchestrated such hope into the most broken community I have ever seen. It must have been like that for Nehemiah when he arrived in Jerusalem. Did you know that Nehemiah had never stepped foot in Jerusalem before he heard the news of the walls being torn down? Yet, when he had heard the bad news he had such compassion he wept. There is a popular saying that goes, “Break my heart, for what breaks yours.” This tells me that Nehemiah’s heart was definitely in the right place. He loved God so much that to know His people were not safe broke his heart and spurred him to take action.

After much prayer God led Nehemiah to Man Up for Jerusalem and leave the safety of his own home to go and rebuild the wall.  (This is a fascinating story of how he mobilized the residents of Jerusalem to build in just 52 days a massive wall around an entire city. You can read about it in the book of Nehemiah.) My point is to encourage men who can sense a little break in their own heart when they see or hear stories about orphans is to do this: SOMETHING! Nehemiah did do SOMETHING, but I wonder how many had that same feeling when they saw or heard about the destruction of the wall around Jerusalem and didn’t do anything. Maybe they struggled with the same things that keep me and others from doing something. Perhaps they didn’t think it would be possible or they were not the right person for the task or afraid of what others may think of them. What a God – Adventure they missed out on.

To be honest with you, right now I’m really praying for direction from God on my next season in life. My last trip to Ethiopia in February “rocked me!” I don’t know exactly what He is calling me to do, but I know whatever it is, I’m praying for the courage to able to Man Up and lead. Who knows the next Ethiopian eyes I look into may be the next Sammy.

What is God stirring in you to Man Up 4 Orphans about?

To care means first of all to empty our own cup and to allow the other to come close to us. It means to take away the many barriers which prevent us from entering into communion with the other. When we dare to care, then we discover that nothing human is foreign to us, but that all the hatred and love, cruelty and compassion, fear and joy can be found in our own hearts. When we dare to care, we have to confess that when others kill, I could have killed too. When others torture, I could have done the same. When others heal, I could have healed too. And when others give life, I could have done the same. Then we experience that we can be present to the soldier who kills, to the guard who pesters, to the young man who plays as if life has no end, and to the old man who stopped playing out of fear for death. (Henri Nouwen)

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The {Other} Boy That Changed My Life

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The {Other} Boy That Changed My Life

Posted on 17 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

The (Other) Boy That Changed My Life
Guest Blogger-

I want to tell you a story that I try to tell as many people as possible since my trip to Ethiopia in July.

When I departed for Ethiopia to pick up Tedi, I had no clue what lie ahead of me.  Due to work obligations, my wife Natalie could not travel with me.  I had been warned by our blog friend, Amy Post, to “be prepared for poverty on a scale you cannot imagine.”  Well, Amy was 100% right.  The things I saw while in Addis Ababa would fill your heart with despair and your eyes with tears.

Our second day in Ethiopia (a Monday) was the most exhilarating day of my life.  It was the day when I met Tedi and got to wrap him in my arms.  Besides all the emotion that accompanied that event, Monday left another, almost as inedible mark on my life.

After being at KVI Orphanage for a few hours, the nannies told us it was the kids’ nap time.  Not wanting to mess with their routines, we agreed that the adults would leave and do some shopping while the little ones slept.  When we arrived at the market, we were definitely on an emotional high.  I needed to get some shopping done without the responsibility of watching a three year old, however, I was counting down the minutes until we could go back and get Tedi.  We had waited so long to get him (8 months of the adoption process and 15 months of infertility before that).

In Addis Ababa, there is a conglomerate of shops where foreigners go to look for trinkets and souvenirs.  Naturally, this is great place for the less-fortunate to congregate and beg for money.  As to not disrupt business, the shop owners hire security guards to keep the street kids out of their shops.  They walk around with long broomsticks and “shoo” away any kid that gets too close to a tourist.  Although I understand the perspective of the business owners, I hated this practice because I wanted to interact with as many Ethiopians as I could.  Also, I hated the idea that it appeared we were better than them in some way and could not be bothered with their presence.  While meandering in and out of shops, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.  It was a t-shirt with a Western Kentucky University Hilltopper logo on it!  For those of you who do not know us, Natalie and I both graduated from WKU.  It is where we met and I worked on the basketball staff there.  To see this familiar logo on a young boy’s shirt was amazing.  I knew this was no coincidence and that God had orchestrated this event.  I ran up to the boy who was around twelve.  I am sure he thought I was a complete psycho.  I kept pointing at his shirt and saying, “That’s my school.  Go Tops!”  He politely smiled and shook his head nervously.  I tried to converse with him but his English was very broken.  I gathered that his name was Selam.  Here is a picture of Selam and me:
Being a street kid, Selam did not have many earthly possessions.  My friend, Keith, gave him and some of his friends a new soccer ball which made them the envy of their group.  He was wearing a very ragged pair of sweat pants and shoes that you and I would be ashamed to wear.  The shirt was a little big for him but I am sure it is the only shirt he owns.  He was wearing a small plastic cross around his neck that was fashioned with a cheap black string.  To my knowledge, this cross was the only earthly possession Selam had to his name that was not an essential item.  I took a few pictures and videos of him, chatted to him and his friends the best we could and was on my way.  I thought this was a very cool story that I could tell my WKU friends about when I got home.

Boy, was I wrong.

We ended up back at the same shops a few days later.   As I was walking around, I heard a voice from the crowd that had gathered.  “Friend.  Friend.  My friend!”  I looked up and it was Selam (still wearing the WKU shirt) and his friends.  I went out to where he was and brought Ayele, our driver, so he could interpret for us.  As we were talking, I noticed that one of Selam’s friends had hit what must have been the jackpot for these poor children.  He had stumbled upon some half eaten food that had been thrown in the trash at a restaurant.  The sight of this broke my heart in two.  To see the joy in this boy’s face at finding trash was indescribable.  I took a quick inventory of my life and all the blessings I have been given and how I do not appreciate so many of them.  As our time to depart was growing near, I told Selam we must be leaving.  He told me, through Ayele that he had something he wanted to give me.  He reached underneath his shirt and pulled the cross out and started to take it off his neck.  I stopped him.  I politely told Ayele to convey to him there was no way I was taking that cross with me.  He told Ayele that we were friends and this is what friends do.  He told me to keep it as a memento from Ethiopia.

In the car on the way back to the orphanage, I was an emotional wreck.  What was God trying to tell me?  At the time, I questioned why God had put so much emotional baggage on my plate at one time.

After some separation, I now know what God was telling me when He introduced Selam and I.  He was telling me not to forget what I had seen.  Orphan care is not only about the children like Tedi who are fortunate enough to be adopted.  Orphan care does not end when we step off the plane in the US with our children.  Orphan care DOES NOT END.  Orphan care is about kids like Selam.  Kids who have not been shown the earthly love they deserve.  Thankfully, Selam has been redeemed by his Heavenly Father.  I cannot forget Selam.  I must not forget Selam.  We must not forget Selam.  We must never forget all of them.

I sit here tonight in a house that has so much stuff we have run out of places to put it.  I can honestly say that this green plastic cross is the one physical item I would grab if I had to get out in a hurry.

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Leaving today for Ethiopia with VO 30!

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Leaving today for Ethiopia with VO 30!

Posted on 15 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

My crazy readers, will you join me on my Visiting Orphans mission trip and pray for our extraordinary team for the next 12 days as we travel to Ethiopia and minister to orphans.  You support, prayers, and cheers have meant the world to me.  You sent me over 600 headbands and bows for the Princesses in Korah, twin sheet sets for new bedding at the orphanage in Holeta, and monetary donations to spread some crazy love in Ethiopia!!  I’m grateful for you!

I have the most amazing guest bloggers scheduled for the next 12 days.  Please stop by and read their stories- laugh, cry, cheer, and share your thoughts.  Thank you for your continued support growing My Crazy Adoption Blog to empower moms and caring for the Fatherless.  Together, we are the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. (prov. 31:8-9)

I will not be able to update you on my blog in Africa, but I will share daily journal notes and photos on my Facebook starting February 15th- 27th.  I hope you will join me on my God adventure to Addis Ababa.  I will share my incredible mission trip here starting in March- Missions Sweeps Week!!

Would you pray a special blessing over my team today!!  We need strong prayer warriors to cover us the next 12 days!

Here are a few prayer requests:

1. Safety
2. The Lord’s favor as we minister to orphanages and complete various tasks.
3. The “Man Up” project at the Korah dump. We will have a barbecue and be targeting the men to become strong in the Lord and leaders in their families and community.
Praying for God’s protection as we put on His whole armor for sharing love to the lost.

The JRA team of 30 will be ministering for 12 days in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with Project 61 for extreme needy children living in the Korah city dump, two TOMS Shoe Drops, as well as ministering in rural villages sharing God’s love.  We will also visit Fistula Hospital and our very own, Trevor Birch will perform music for the courageous women featured in the movie “A Walk to Beautiful”.

Ethiopia Gibson Itinerary pdf

Wednesday- 02/16/2012 Day 1
You will travel to Washington DC where you will meet up with
the rest of your team and travel on to Addis from there.

Thursday- 02/17/2012 Day 2
Arrive in Addis Ababa around 8 am. Check in at the Ethiopian
Guest House. Rest, unpack, and afternoon shopping at Post Office (optional) Dinner out.

Friday- 02/18/2012 Day 3
Visit *** Orphanage. Lunch at the EGH and afternoon visit to Fistula Hospital.  Pack your day bags for overnight Ambo and Holeta.

Saturday- 02/19/2012 Day 4
1 hour drive to Holeta to visit children there and to minister in
community. Spend the night in Ambo.

Sunday- 02/20/2012 Day 5
Orphanage and home visits in Ambo.  Outing with the children. Return to Addis for
afternoon shopping and dinner at EGH. 8 pm team meeting with Sally Baer.

Mon & Tues- 02/21-22/12 Day 6 & 7 TOMS shoe distribution- 8am to 5pm. Lunch on the field and dinner at EGH.

Wednesday- 02/23/2012 Day 8
Ministry at the Korah Dump and Project 61. Dinner out as a

Thursday- 02/24/2012 Day 9 Ministry at the Korah Dump and Project 61. Dinner at EGH.

Friday- 02/25/2012 Day 10
Ministry at the Korah Dump and Project 61. Visit to sponsored
children. Dinner at a traditional restaurant.

Saturday- 02/26/2012 Day 11
Check out of the EGH. The team will split to visit Drawn From
Water and Kidane Mihret orphanages. Farewell lunch at the
Hilton & last minute shopping. Leave for airport and depart for
US at 10:15 pm. Arrive in DC at 7:40 am on the 27th.

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Mail Your Korah Headbands by Valentine’s Day!!

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Mail Your Korah Headbands by Valentine’s Day!!

Posted on 10 January 2011 by Kari Gibson

Headbands for Korah!!

We are celebrating our beautiful daughter’s birthday today and in honor of Princess Z we want to ask you a big, crazy request?  Will you help us bring 200 400 Headbands for Korah Girls ages 2-13!!  I leave for Ethiopia Feb. 15th on my mission trip with Visiting Orphans and want to bring beauty to the girls living on the dump and orphanages we visit.

I’m simply blown away by all the headbands pouring in the mail from all over the country!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!  Every Princess I meet in Ethiopia will get a gift of love from you!  I love you crazy bloggers!

I want to show you a few bands that we hand made- Hannah and my niece, Maddy created bands that are so colorful and fun.  There are no patterns necessary, just make them from your heart.  I love the bright flowers, too!!  My crazy readers, go a little crazy and allow me to put love on the head of every Princess I meet in Ethiopia – a handmade or store bought headband from you.

Here are some great links for head band ideas:

You can also purchase headbands here at Because Every Mother Matters for my collection for Korah girls. Starting today, for every “adult” headband they sell, they are donating 1 headband for my project.  1 for 1!!!  Thank you BEMM!!

Samantha Davidson and her blogger mom made these stunning headbands for the girls. http://davidsonpartyoffive.blogspot.com/2011/01/flowers-for-korah.html

Please invite your friends to participate in {Headbands for Korah} parties.  If you are making headbands, please email me if you have any questions. I can accept headbands up to Feb. 15th.

Thank you Emerson!!

Mail headbands & bows to:

My Crazy Adoption Blog

1482 Lakeshore Drive

Branson, MO 65616

I will update here on my blog and let you know how many we are collecting and who is making them!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart! We have them coming all the way from Australia- seriously!! WOW

1/12 update: we have raised over 500 bands in 4 days!!

Happy Birthday Video from Zoie!!

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Guest Blogger – Both Ends Burning {Korah}

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Guest Blogger – Both Ends Burning {Korah}

Posted on 29 December 2010 by Kari Gibson

You can see Keith’s work at www.keithbolling.com
his film production company www.session7media.com
and his non-profit film company www.refocusmedia.org

In March, 2010, Sam Nuttmann and I traveled to Ethiopia to do work for Ethiopia Reads. Ethiopia Reads (ethiopiareads.org) is a non-profit that builds libraries in schools throughout Ethiopia, they also set up donkey mobile libraries to bring books to kids in more rural villages, and they publish books in local languages. While we were there, we stayed at Ethiopia Guest Homes (ethiopiaguesthome.com), a group of homes set up for adopting parents to say at while they are in Ethiopia during the adoption process. The homes were set up as an alternative to staying at a hotel, which can feel very intimidating to both the parents and especially the children. The guest homes provide transportation, a translator, a cook, a nanny, and many other services (including massages) to make the adoption process more comfortable.

While at the Guest Home, we met Sammy, who works with the Guest Home. Sammy spent the majority of his childhood struggling to get the food he and his family needed from the garbage dump in Korah. When he was 12 years old, he and some of his friends decided to go and join the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea – simply because the army provided meals. They were sick and tired of always fighting for the leftovers that could sometimes be found in the garbage dump. On the way to register for the army, they crossed the compound where Young Life started the ministry. They saw a lot of the U.S. Young Life Leaders hanging out with the kids from the Korah community. He ended up joining them and decided not to join the army. Since then, Sammy has dedicated his life to helping those in Korah.

One of they days where we were not filming for Ethiopia Reads, Sammy offered to take us to Korah and the garbage dump next to Korah, where many residents search for food. We grabbed our gear and happily piled into the van, not knowing what to expect. On my travels I have visited garbage dump cities in Egypt, and been to slum villages in India – but I was very unprepared for the eyeopening, humbling, and heartwarming experience about to follow.

We arrived at the dump and the second we were out of the van we were greeted by 5 grinning boys. They all said hello and gave us the customary greeting in Ethiopia of a handshake with a shoulder bump. They then led us to the main part of the dump. Here, the garbage trucks arrive and dump their load of trash. The people there, ranging from infants to the elderly, then sort through all the trash using their hands, or medal hooks. Some of the garbage is saved for recycling or to resell, but a majority is eaten on the spot. It was really difficult watching kids suck the last bit of salad dressing out of an opened packet or drinking the last few drops of water left in a water bottle. There is very little regulation out here, and we were told stories of medical waste showing up at the dump as well as other highly dangerous items. Throughout our time there, however, we were received with open arms. Although, at times shy, everyone was all smiles – and held on to a firm belief that things will get better.

And I am happy to say, that I found out a few weeks ago, that through organizations like Project 61 (p61.org), and with the help of our film – 250 of the kids who live in the dump and Korah, were given scholarships to a school that provides room, 3 meals, clothes and schooling.

After visiting the garbage dump, we drove into the Village of Korah. The village of Korah is a small village just outside Addis Ababa, the capitol city of Ethiopia. The village was founded over seventy five years ago by people inflicted with leprosy, seeking treatment in Addis. Three generations later, over 100,000 people live in Korah, most of whom have leprosy, HIV/AIDS, are widows or orphans. Their extreme poverty has forced many of the villagers to forage through the local trash dump to find enough food to survive each day.

When Sam Nuttmann and I arrived in Ethiopia we had never heard of Korah. And as we talked to people while we were in Ethiopia, a lot of them had never heard of it – even though they lived only a few miles away. So, we were amazed to see such a huge village. The people in the village live in very small, mostly mud and wood huts/houses. A huge problem Korah faces is that when it rains, there is no way to keep the water out of the houses. And while we were there it started pouring. To see the water freely flow in and through people homes, was very hard to see. But… everywhere we went, we were very warmly greeted. Even with so little, everyone proudly invited us in and showed us their home. One of the women we met (I feature her photo on my web site, and the image recently won 3rd place in a photo competition), had a very common story from Korah – She has 3 children and after her neighbor also passed away a few months ago because of HIV, she now takes care of her 2 children and makes a living by spending time finding food and things she can sell at the nearby garbage dump.

We felt so honored to be invited to both Korah and the garbage dump. The images and faces I saw there will forever be ingrained in my mind. I am returning to Ethiopia in January 2011 to work on a feature length film about adoption and Korah. The new project is called Both Ends Burning.

For more information about Korah, visit:

To our guide Samuel Liben and all the people of Korah who opened their homes and hearts to us, trusting our intentions with the footage and stories we collected there. They will not be forgotten and our work for them has only just begun.To Patrick Watson and Secret City Records for granting permission to use the track “Man Like You” in this video.

MUSICPatrick Watson”Man Like You” from the album Wooden

Producer / Director / Cinematography: Sam Nuttmann and Keith Bolling
Editor / Sound Design / Motion Graphics: Sam Nuttmann


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It Began With Bale

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It Began With Bale

Posted on 02 December 2010 by Kari Gibson

I watched this video- It Began with Bale and I knew I had to know more about the family who adopted this precious little miracle girl, Bale.  The Wahlberg family’s adoption story is truly remarkable and miraculous- a story only God could write.

Introductions from Bale’s new daddy:

Wahlberg Blog here.

“In February 2007, while flying home from Uganda I (Kenny) asked God to position our family to be better givers. The answer came in the form of bankruptcy. We lost everything except for one vehicle, learned humbleness, and how to rely on God in the process.
During this time, we became pregnant with our third child. We transitioned into a rental home and learned to re-prioritize family and finances.
After two years of maintaining a consistent, healthy pattern with our family and stewardship of our finances, we were blessed with our fourth child. In July 2009, immediately after the delivery, I (Stephanie) heard God speak to my heart to trust Him with our future children and to give Him control of how many children to add to our family whether it be natural children or by adoption. This was a paradigm shift for us, which took faith and obedience. This was not an easy pill to swallow.
In October 2009, during a Rock Seed Offering service, our church family was presented with the possibility of adopting from the Drawn From Water Orphanage in Ethiopia, an organization that rescues children deemed “mingi” by their tribe. Mingi means the children are cursed; the most common reason is because the top teeth grow in first. The children are tossed into the river or left in the wilderness to die. Drawn From Water has set up an orphanage for these children rescued from sure death.
By November, we were fully committed to adopt one of these beautiful children and begin to complete the necessary adoption paperwork.
In March 2010, we received an adoption referral for Bale, the first child rescued by Drawn From Water.
In May 2010, the Ethiopian Government deemed Bale our daughter, but because the U.S. Government requested more research and paperwork, it would be over three months before we could pick her up.
I (Kenny) flew to Ethiopia and met Bale on 9/11 – our gotcha date in adoption terms. In Ethiopia this date signifies Ethiopia’s New Year and there is celebrating in the streets as people wear traditional attire and put long grass in the streets and their homes. This is a time of expressing hopes and dreams for the future. This is indeed what we felt as we embraced Bale as our daughter.
During our early years of marriage Stephanie was diagnosed by doctors of having very little chance of getting pregnant. It was not until our 6th year of marriage and after 1 ½  years of trying that we finally had our first child. We are now expanding our family to number six – Stephanie is now pregnant again!
Children are a heritage and a reward from The Lord. In our scenario, 2.5 kids would be ideal, but we are so thankful that God has bigger plans and ideas then our mere ones. Our quiver is very full and we are beyond blessed. Choosing to obey, give sacrificially, and trust God with our lives is a much more satisfying and exciting life. We are not missing out with that combination!
As we are getting to know Bale we are discovering how much she really fits into our family.  She is full of energy, loves to meet new people and make them feel special, and is showing lots of leadership qualities. Each of our family is learning to become a new an improved member of the Wahlberg clan as we discover the world of adoption.

God heard our cry to be givers and to make a difference in this world with our family; He has graciously provided. May God do the same for you as you trust Him for the cry of your own heart.”  Bless you,  Kenneth Wahlberg

New video to watch of the Wahlberg family

Update on Bale from her new mommy:

(pronounced Ball-A in case you were wondering)  “Bale has adjusted very well like she never missed a beat. The major transition was the first 6 weeks when she would go to any mommy for comfort because they all represented nannies to her. (She lived in 3 places before she came to us….that is a lot of change for a 3 year old!) After 6 weeks that stopped and she knew I was her mommy and only came to me for love and comfort. That melted my heart! The practical side of things: She stayed in our bed the first month and then transitioned to a toddler bed in our room. My son who is the exact same age moved his toddler bed in with her so this was great! Then the following month, we placed both of them and our older daughter in their own room! And the toilet was her favorite thing for the first two months…..always going to the bathroom and twice I was not with her and she flooded the toilet. At church, they had a plunger in the bathroom and I found her plunging it and making a mess. Oh the joys! Having two toddlers means double the trouble too! I am always on the alert! One time I found teething gel all over their faces! Her English is coming along. She can put 2 or 3 words together to make sentences and she has almost from the beginning understood me. That was a surprise….she is a smart girl! And one last thing, I must say her favorite thing are flowers. She just loves flowers!”

Drawn from Water Website- Follow the blog!!

Drawn from Water Store- click here.

Mission Statement

The mission of DRAWN FROM WATER is to rescue and provide the best possible future for children who have been deemed “mingi” and sentenced to death by their tribes.


In rural Africa there are three tribes that practice what is called “mingi”, which loosely translates to mean dirty or unclean. There are many ways in which a child may become “mingi”, but once the label has been placed all children suffer the same fate, they must be killed.  But now there is another way, in January of 2009 Lale Labuko an educated man from one of the tribes who practices “mingi” and Yabibal Abebaw worked together with a group of visiting missionaries to start Drawn From Water, an orphanage who’s mission is to take in the children who have been deemed “mingi” and to educate the tribes that these children are a blessing and not a curse. In the three tribes, which practice “mingi”, there are a total of roughly 130,000 people living in hundreds of villages spanning an area totaling hundreds of square miles. It is estimated that more than 1000 children are killed each year because they were “mingi”. Drawn From Water is working to save as many of these children as possible. In the first 12 months 21 children were saved. Our hope is that with God’s help we will be able to reach the tribes with the gospel and ultimately help them see that these children are a blessing and not a curse.

The Children’s Homes

Drawn From Water provides two children’s homes exclusively for the care of children deemed “mingi” by their tribes, with a capacity of about 35 children total. Both homes are clean, cheerful and have within their compounds areas for outdoor play. To ensure personal attention for the children there is a high ratio of staff to children. We have staff for cleaning, cooking, and guarding the compounds.

Children of kindergarten age attend a local private school and are taught both the customs of their tribes and the country at large.

Although we see the children’s home as a way to meet an immediate need in these children’s lives, we understand that there needs to be a plan for each individual child’s future. For some of these children we see that its possible that their families may change their belief system in the future and that the family may one day be reunited, for others its clear that the family is not willing to accept the child back into their home and adoption may the only viable way to provide a nurturing home for the child to grow up in.  We take extra care with each child to workout a plan that is specific to their situation, and constantly strive to give them the best possible future. Our first priority is always reunification of family and child when possible.

Sources of Funding

Drawn From Water is in the early stages of developing a funding base that includes individual, group, foundation and corporate donors, and sponsors.

Drawn From Water has an ongoing program that seeks grants and donations from individuals and organizations to support the orphanage and tribal outreach efforts. All donations to Drawn From Water are tax deductible as provided through the Rock of Roseville a non-denominational church under section 501(c) 3 of the United States Internal Revenue Code and receipts are provided for tax purposes. 

Drawn From Water is also seeking grants and funding partners. The need to grow and accept more children from these tribes is an urgent challenge and all sources of funding are being explored.

Future Plans

Drawn From Water is presently leasing 2 compounds to provide facilities for the program. None of the compounds is designed for its present use, and all improvements necessary to make the buildings and grounds suitable for the children are to the benefit of the landlord. Plans are currently being drawn up for a Drawn From Water Children’s Village and Tribal Training Center, a facility that will provide home-like care for the children and a school where people from the tribes can come and be taught basic life training skills and learn from the bible in hopes that they will go back to their villages and teach about the word of God. Ultimately helping to stop the practice of “mingi” and improve the lives of those who live in these remote tribes. A special building fund is being set up to pay for this project, which may include intermediate and/or incremental steps as we move toward the ultimate goal of creating the village.

You can purchase Drawn From Water products at their store- http://drawnfromwaterstore.blogspot.com/

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Crazy Links I Love

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 13 November 2010 by Kari Gibson

  • My crazy friend, Carolyn is selling tees and necklaces to support Project Hopeful. It is PH dream and vision that NO child affected by HIV is waiting for their forever home because of ignorance or lack of funding and to help to attend to the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs specific to these types of adoptions and children.
  • Simply Love Taiwan – Patterson Family adoption fundraiser.
  • These gorgeous Africa necklaces from one of my favorite bloggers to support The Mercy House.
  • Doing It Afraid blog.
  • I just bought this adorable silk sleep cap for Zoie’s curls & coils.

  • Hello Fellow Adoptive Families!  I just wanted to let you know that our family is selling the most adorable necklaces and key chains to help support the new Love In Action orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  We had the privilege of visiting LIA while in Ethiopia and are so excited to see the work that is being done through Arise for Children (our agency) and the new programs that are going to be offered through the Love In Action facility.At one time or another, our paths have crossed, and I know that you share our love of orphans all around the world.  When we were blessed to travel to Ethiopia in July to bring our little beauty home, we promised we would not forget those left behind.  Our first fundraiser is selling cute bottle cap necklaces and key chains.The key chains and necklaces are only $5 and will make great gifts, stocking stuffers, or fun surprises for our little ones from Ethiopia and their families. Our Ethiopian beauty, Grace, LOVES to wear her necklaces and show them to everyone she meets.  They make great conversation starters when we are out and about.  She can point out Ethiopia on her Africa necklace, and makes sure to explain to everyone that “G is for Grace” when she wears the “initial design.”  We have six designs to choose from.  You can see photos of the necklaces, key chains, and of course our model Grace on our blog - www.teammarquis.blogspot.com
  • Jennifer Nix  -www.dearlylovedchildren.blogspot.com
    “True Religion” Christmas Shopping!!! Religion and shopping in the same sentence, whoa, doesn’t sound right!!! Read on my friend…  This Christmas let the receiver of your gift know that somewhere around the world others are celebrating love & redemption right along with them. In support of Orphan Awareness Month and James 1:27 I would like to invite you to shop for fun Christmas gifts that get MULTIPLIED BY THREE: to your recipient, to the orphan, and to the widow!!! In the months of Nov. and Dec. I am donating 100% of my commission on designated Pampered Chef orders to help rescue orphans.
    There are an estimated 147 million orphans around the world. Adoption costs range anywhere from $5,000-40,000, and often keep loving families from reaching the orphan. The funds your gift help raise will go to either our Ethiopian Adoption Fund, little Dmitry- a baby with Downs Syndrome hoping to be rescued from an eastern Europe institution, or to any other adopting family of your choice.
    Your one order can make a lasting, literally life changing impact for others. But *PLEASE* consider being an ADOPTION ADVOCATE by collecting 4 or more orders from friends, family and co-workers to go with it, and by posting this invite to all your facebook friends. Catalogs and ordering instructions will be sent to anyone who messages me!
    OK, now do you want to know where helping the widows comes in??? Great question!!! Host rewards from Pampered Chef equals great free products. The more orders we collect the more free products we will earn…those products will be given directly to widows in need locally, and/or auctioned as a second fundraiser to help widows in distress through Amazima (Katie Davis http://kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com/).
    This is just one more way to help out and I SO appreciate your partnering with me. Spend $60 or more and there is a free gift for you too! Grilling tools for Dad, Seasonings for Sis, Cookbooks for the teachers, Stoneware for you, Gift Certificates available too! Do all your holiday shopping in one place simply because those gifts will make a WORLD of difference!
    Thank you in advance!
    With love,
    -Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

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