Tag Archive | "Children’s HopeChest"

How In The World Do I Pick A Cause?

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How In The World Do I Pick A Cause?

Posted on 20 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

There has been so much buzz this week about KONY2012, but regardless if you approve or not … they have their “cause” out there loud and crazy and in our faces about the atrocities that have happened to the invisible children in Northern Uganda. This post is NOT about debating causes or giving you my opinion on making KONY famous, but simply … how do you pick a cause?

Honestly, I didn’t spend any time, or effort, or money supporting causes until I heard about World Vision 13 years ago. Their cause is simple- Sponsor a child. I was intrigued that you could sponsor a child and support their education. As a teacher, that was a home run with my heart. It was exciting when my kids, Michael and Hannah received their first letters from our sponsors. Both children were from India and their photos brought them into our homes and on our refrigerators. It never crossed my mind to dream about visiting India and seeing with my own eyes where our sponsor children lived and went to school. I had no idea the impact going and doing something would do to my life … change my passions. Continue Reading

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Look What You Did …

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Look What You Did …

Posted on 18 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

THE STORE IS CLOSED!! Thank you for supporting the 2012 Mission Trip Giveaway with Children’s HopeChest!!

Children’s HopeChest has partnered with Simply Love and Man Up! to bring you a brand new set of limited-edition set of t-shirts. This exclusive design can only be purchased here at the Children’s HopeChest t-shirt store. Continue Reading

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{Mini-Winner Updated- Ends 3/18}

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{Mini-Winner Updated- Ends 3/18}

Posted on 16 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

{UPDATED WITH WINNER} This mini-giveaway had 66 entries and winner was selected on random.org True Random Number Generator- #66

CONGRATULATIONS #66 M FURNELL!!!!!!! I just need you to email me and share your information to send your gifts!! I’m so happy for you and will officially enter you in the Mission Trip Giveaway!!!


Just think … someone could win the grand prize mission trip just by leaving a comment (now that’s crazy!)

This is the LAST mini-giveaway for my Children’s HopeChest project for Haiti and Moldova!! We have sold over 500 tees and only have 2 more days to go!! We are praying for a big, crazy, impossible without God miracle- 500 more mission-hearted people to join our project before the Mission Trip Giveaway Project ends on March 18th!! 100% of the donations will go directly to Haiti Home of Hope, Beginning of Life safehouse, tee shirts, and the mission trip!! This is what LOVE is all about!

(use this button to share- just copy & paste)

What do I win?

I’m soooo excited to give away to 1 blessed winner! I will randomly pick a mini winner here on My Crazy Adoption blog on Sunday evening.

  • 1 free tee (you pick)
  • 1 Children’s HopeChest gift basket full of treasures from all over the world
  • 1 free entry to win the grand prize- mission trip (value $3000)

How do I enter the mini-giveaway?

It’s simple to enter the mini … just leave a comment!!!  Please “SHARE” the project on your blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and email blasts for the next 2 days!!! If you don’t have a blog (that’s OK) but you need to let me know how you shared the project in the comments. You have 2 days to enter and 2 days to shout out the project to YOUR friends. Feel free to use any of my posts or photos or buttons to help you share!! We want to encourage 1000 mission-hearted people to join the project before March 18th! Continue Reading

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Look What (YOU) Are Doing In Haiti & Moldova

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Look What (YOU) Are Doing In Haiti & Moldova

Posted on 15 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

When you purchase a “limited edition” Simply Love & Man Up tee shirts look who YOU are helping in Pignon, Haiti at Haiti Home of Hope orphanage. These are all clinic children who are literally staying alive due to the formula program- Mother’s Milk Day every Wednesday. Families walk over 15 miles to Haiti Home of Hope and receive food and formula for their children. Only 3 more days left to buy HERE. Help me keep my promise to protect and love the 37 orphans living at the orphanage and 80 children we support on Clinic Day!! This project is soooooo personal to my heart!

When you purchase your Simply Love & Man Up tee today- you are helping these 2 precious girls have food & care at the Haiti Home of Hope clinic. I met them in January and made a PROMISE to protect & love. You ARE making a difference + shopping with a purpose!! STORE- https://secure3.convio.net/chc/site/Ecommerce?store_id=1541

Look who YOU are helping build their new home in Pignon, Haiti with Haiti Home of Hope orphanage. This family (I hugged in January) lives next to a witch doctor. They both accepted Jesus in their hearts and now desire to move away from their WD neighbors to a new home. This is one of the projects YOU are funding with your purchase of a Simply Love & Man Up tee shirts HERE.

(Witch Doctor’s son- please pray for him today)

(Baby Rudy!! Haiti Home of Hope Clinic)

(The news broke my heart, but these precious twins died several weeks after our mission trip)

100% of the donations of the purchase of Simply Love and Man Up shirts will directly fund the projects at Haiti Home of Hope and Beginning of Life safehouse in Moldova and a FREE mission trip to visit and love the fatherless. Buy your tee shirt today HERE. If you can’t go on the 2012MISSION TRIP, you can purchase a tee in honor of a family member or friends. If you WIN, you can give your trip away!!! What an AMAZING gift to give away (can you imagine!!)

{Update: we have sold 400 tees and praying for 400 more mission-hearted people to join the project- keep praying big!!)





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Mission Trip Giveaway Is Over- Winner Announced Here!!!

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Mission Trip Giveaway Is Over- Winner Announced Here!!!

Posted on 15 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

And the WINNER IS ….. check this out or

Welcome to My Crazy Adoption blog!!!! I can’t believe I get to say these crazy words again …. We’re GIVING AWAY A FREE mission trip!! This is the 6th mission trip I have been blessed to give away this year! My brand new project with Tom Davis’ Children’s HopeChest ministry starts today!! Tom Davis and I are partnering again, for the second time, with Simply Love and Man Up to make a difference in the life of an orphan. Our two week blitz has three main CAUSES in one amazing project!! Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Continue Reading

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Will (You) Blog The Simply Love Project?

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Will (You) Blog The Simply Love Project?

Posted on 14 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

(Update: we have sold 361 tees as of today!!! Pray big and keep sharing!!)

I need your help bloggers!! Will you blog about the Simply Love Haiti and Man Up Moldova project Children HopeChest and help me spread the word to your readers! You can take a peek at the past two weeks of mission posts and use any content and photos to help you share the Mission Trip Giveaway! I want to make this as simple as possible for you to share. We ONLY have 4 more days left!!! Today, we have sold 275 tees!!! With your help, we can reach 500 before the end of the week- to bless the projects!! Big miracle … praying for 1,000 mission-hearted people to join us making a difference in Haiti and Moldova.

Tom Davis’ Children’s HopeChest Ministry travels to:

  • Multiple connect community trips to almost ALL countries except Russia. CHC ministry have Vision Trips going to Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, and Russia and possibly India and South Africa for someone to join.  Some of our Vision Trips are listed on our website www.hopechest.org.

Here’s all the project information:

  • Mission Trip Giveaway ends March 18th. 1 tee = 1 entry to win.
  • The mission trip winner will be announced on Facebook April 2nd on site and here on My Crazy Adoption blog.
  • Simply Love Haiti and Man Up Moldova projects here- Link for all details
  • Winner wins a free mission trip (value $3000)
  • Simply Love Haiti- supports the orphanage Haiti Home of Hope
  • Man Up Moldova- supports the safehouse “Beginning of Life”

Please join us and pray for the projects!!

(Copy & Paste button to share)

(Sized to fit the new FB timeline)

150 x 150 button to share


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You Could Win A Free Misison Trip (Yep, Kinda Crazy!)

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You Could Win A Free Misison Trip (Yep, Kinda Crazy!)

Posted on 12 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

HopeChest T-shirts are back!

Buy your exclusive, limited edition t-shirt from Children’s HopeChest today in our online store. We don’t do this very often, so if you want a shirt: don’t wait. Giveaway ends on March 18th on My Crazy Adoption blog.

Your t-shirt purchase helps orphans in Haiti, supports sex trafficking survivors in Moldova, and enters you to win a free mission trip with HopeChest!



When you buy a t-shirt, you do ALL THREE of these…

IMG_1387-222x333.jpg  1. You provide food, clothing, and medical care for 37 orphans at the Haiti Home of Hope in Pignon, Haiti.
safehouse1.jph.jpg 2. You support 8 survivors of sex trafficking at the Beginning of Life rehabilitation home in Moldova.
17.png 3. You get entered to win a free mission trip with HopeChest. (One entry per t-shirt!)

All that, and you can wear it too.

HopeChest t-shirts make great gifts for Easter, graduation, Father’s Day, or just because.

Please visit the links above to find out more about the projects in Haiti and Moldova you are supporting. And, please share this great opportunity on Facebook.

Got a blog? You can get EXTRA entries into the free mission trip giveaway. Just write an article and post a link on your blog. We track our traffic, so if anyone buys a shirt after linking from your blog, YOU will get an extra entry in the drawing. Get posting! Include the link http://www.hopechest.org/store

Don’t delay! These shirts are only on sale for a little while longer. Head over to the HopeChest Store to get your shirt today!

For the Fatherless,
[object Object]
Tom Davis, CEO
Children’s HopeChest

P.S. Here’s a sneak preview of our best-selling design so far. To see the rest, just visit the store!

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My Heart Is So Burdened …. Can I Share?

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My Heart Is So Burdened …. Can I Share?

Posted on 09 March 2012 by Kari Gibson


Today has been a tough day on my heart and it’s something I need to share, so you can pray through with me. I woke up this morning so excited about the mini-giveaway. I just knew that hundreds of my crazy readers would leave a comment and enter to win the contest. It hit me around 10am when only 20 people stopped by here that I didn’t do a very good job communicating to you. I struggled all day wondering if you really knew the behind the scenes to the giveaway and I want to make sure I’m honest and real with every one of you. You truly have no idea how much I love you, the bloggers, who have stuck with all my craziness and the impact you have made to change the world. I couldn’t do this without you! Do you realize what you have done in blog land? YOU helped raise $60,000 for Simply Love projects over the past year that touched the lives of children who desperately need to know they are loved. YOU are mission-hearted people who helped me give away 5 mission trips that radically changed the life of 5 people ordained by God to go on the mission field to love and share God’s good news. Now, we have the opportunity to give away a 6th trip- YOU are making that possible. If you can’t go on a mission trip this year, win the trip for a friend!!

What I want you to know from the bottom of my heart …. this is not about me, or the free mission trip, or the tee shirts, or Simply Love or Man Up ministry. I do not make a single penny from partnering with this amazing HopeChest project or any of the mission projects we do together. I really hope you hear my heart. This project means only one thing to me (and you) and that is the children we are making a difference for in Haiti and Moldova. I want to change the world with you. I want a child who is fatherless and feels unloved to know that people they may never meet in real life care and pray and hope and support and love them. I hope you are never turned off by my craziness, but understand how deeply burdened I am to find the projects that seem the most impossible or unreachable or unattainable. That’s what being crazy is all about. Real faith is celebrating the miracle before the miracle happens (The Circle Maker) and I hope you will join me celebrating the project in Pignon, Haiti and Moldova before the miracle happens.

The purchase of a tee shirt is just the beginning. The challenge is overwhelming, I know. It’s hard to wrap our brains around 147+ million orphans, but the Tom Davis Children’s HopeChest project I have partnered with brings that staggering number down to 8 girls living in Moldova “Beginning of Life” safehouse rescued from human trafficking and 37 orphans living in Haiti at Haiti Home of Hope orphanage and the 70 children cared for at clinic day. So, if you are holding back leaving a comment this week, wondering if you should REALLY get involved with this project, I challenge you to pray, think long term, invest and go. This is your chance to change the world and love big.

Starting today, will you pray with me that we can challenge 1000 people to purchase a tee shirt or two and make this project something we’ll never forget? Next week, I want to show you the real faces of the children you are helping, the stories that will break our hearts, but call us up to live James 1:27 in a radical way. Be radical this week, do it afraid, and enter to win a life-changing mission trip. I promise you will have no regrets. I went on my very first mission trip three years ago and God changed everything about my life…. I have new dreams, new purpose, and an overwhelming burden to love big! I love being crazy for the fatherless and the unreached people groups who need Jesus!!

Mission Trip Giveaway- grand prize: Win free trip [value $3000] with Children’s HopeChest Ministry- any of their 2012 scheduled trips- you pick the trip if you win!

I’m going to keep the mini-giveaway open till Saturday and I hope after you have prayed about it, you’ll join our project with a fresh heart. I need your help spreading the message to your family and friends. You can simply click on the social media tools at the bottom of this post and share …. and share …. and share!!!

Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is LOVE. (1 Cor. 13:13 msg)

I don’t feel so heavy hearted now, thanks for listening and I’d love to know what you feel about being part of this life-changing project with me & Tom Davis. Share in the comments- please don’t be shy (I really want to know your heart)

(Baby Rudy with his parents living in Pignon, Haiti- part of the clinic program)

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{Mini-Giveaway Today} 1 Free Tee + 1 Free Entry to Win Mission Trip!!

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{Mini-Giveaway Today} 1 Free Tee + 1 Free Entry to Win Mission Trip!!

Posted on 08 March 2012 by Kari Gibson


Here’s the winning comment selected by random.org number generator:

“I shared this on FB and Twitter. I have already purchased two shirts for my husband and I, but wished we could buy one for my teen who is passionate about the fatherless. I would like to win the trip because I’d like to go on the Moldova trip for my 40th birthday. I clearly remember the original trip to Moldova. It completely shifted everything in my life from that point on. Ask Tom, he’ll tell you what has come of it!”

Congratulations, Brandy Freeland for winning the mini-giveaway contest!! You have won a free tee, free entry to win the grand prize mission trip, and 2 signed copies of Tom Davis’ best selling books! I need you to email me and share your tee pick and information! Just think, you are entered to win a FREE mission trip. If you win, are you going to keep the trip or give it away?


Hello crazy bloggers, if you are new to My Crazy Adoption blog… I want to welcome you! In case you’re wondering if you heard the rumors correctly – YES YES YES I’m giving away a mission trip with Tom Davis’ Children’s HopeChest ministry! You can read here what our two special projects are we’re raising HOPE for the fatherless in Haiti and Moldova. If you WIN the grand prize, you can pick one of Children’s HopeChest’s mission trips for 2012 and go love big!!! Don’t you dare miss out on this amazing opportunity- you could win this trip just by leaving a comment!!! Special note: even if you have already purchased your giveaway tee, you can enter the mini to win an extra entry!!!

This is a Mini Giveaway! I’m giving away 1 mission trip tee shirt (you pick) and 1 Free Mission Trip entry and 2 signed copies of Tom Davis’ books, Priceless and Scared! This is huge… someone could WIN a mission trip just participating in the mini giveaway fun! Even if you have already purchased a Simply Love/Man Up tee, you can still play the mini!!

Here’s what you need to do to enter the mini- just pick 1 from the choices:

If you don’t have a blog or website, that’s OK … you can still enter the mini, just let me know in the comments, why you want to win this trip!

  1. Add My Crazy Adoption button on your blog or blogroll located on the side column. Let’s stay friends!
  2. Shout out on Facebook, or Twitter, or Pin It and share the Mission Trip Giveaway to your social friends! You pick!
  3. Share with me why you want to win this mission trip giveaway.

Now, leave in the comments how you entered to play the Mini Giveaway today.  I will randomly select a winner and update post [here] on Saturday, March 10th. Get ready, get set, goooooo!! Please limit to only 1 comment. 

Q- What do I win?

You win 1 giveaway tee shirt (you pick) and 1 FREE entry to WIN the mission trip and 2 signed copies of Tom Davis’ books, Priceless and Scared!

You can purchase Simply Love/Man Up mission trip GIVEAWAY tees here.

If you enjoyed one of this week’s project posts or learned something new- please share it!!!

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Simply Love Will Make A Difference for Haiti Home of Hope!

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Simply Love Will Make A Difference for Haiti Home of Hope!

Posted on 07 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

If you are new to My Crazy Adoption … welcome to my crazy blog!! Tom Davis and I are GIVING AWAY a FREE mission trip with HopeChest Ministry. You even get to pick the trip! This is our 2nd project together and we are simply thrilled to not only give away a mission trip [value $3000] but help two very special projects with your purchase of a Simply Love and Man Up tee shirt.

When you purchase a Simply Love tee, your donations will support Haiti Home of Hope (HHH) Orphanage in Pignon, Haiti. I visited HHH last month with an amazing team and saw with our eyes the difference your help can make in Haiti. The 37 children living at the orphanage are loved big with the care of Bill and for the past 8 years.

Here is a special video (I made) to show you exactly where your donations will go and the precious faces you will Simply Love.

The Story of a Child Slave

When I stayed at Haiti Home of Hope (HHH) there was one little boy that captured my heart the second I met him. His name is Wiskindly and he was a former child slave. Both his parents died and he was sent to live with his uncle and aunt, but worked as their slave in Pignon. He was abused and broken … somehow finding his way to the clinic at HHH with his slave owners. Jennifer told me when she saw Wiskindly’s eyes filled with fear, it brought her to tears. She knew immediately that this little boy needed to be rescued. He was 6 years old, but only weighed about 20 pounds. Jennifer had to decide if she was going to put him on the program, and make him a stronger slave; or not put him on and he would likely starve to death. During the next few weeks, the uncle brought him back for treatment for exhaustion and sickness, not understanding the Campbells had a special plan for him. “What we ended up doing was eventually convincing the uncle that little Wiskindly would never make a good slave, he was too small and weak. That he should just give him to us.” They finally gave up the boy and Wiskindly had a new home. It’s been challenging for the Campbells to help him through the healing process, but with hope and love and miracles, God will restore Wiskindly’s heart again!!!

Your purchase of a Simply Love tee will make a difference in the life of Wiskinley and the other precious children living at HHH – providing food, clothing, and medical care for the community of Pignon- especially on clinic day!!

Here are a few of the projects Haiti Home of Hope are working on:

  • Mother’s milk [formula] and clinic program
  • Building project for mother/baby safehouse
  • A brand new home for a family of 4 living in Pignon
  • 37 orphans permanently living at Haiti Home of Hope orphanage- Food, clothing, and medical care
  • Helping Pastor Clebert expand his church building

 Jennifer Campbell shares more about Haiti Home of Hope:

HHH was founded by Webb Chenault. He had a vision of opening an children’s home one day. He purchased the land, built a mission house and a boys home, and then began looking for a family to come in and open it up. God called Bill and I, and our son Jesse, and in January 2003 we moved to Pignon, Haiti.  In August, 2003 we opened the boys home, and later opened a girls home. We now have 37 boys and girls, ages 3 years old to 19 years old. We have 23 employees. These are cooks, wash ladies, guards, yard guys, etc. We have been sent out from Red Bridge Baptist Church in Kansas City, the sending board who supports our ministry.

Most of our children were in bad shape when they arrived at HHH, many were close to dying from starvation. About half of them were infants when they came to HHH, the youngest being 4 days old. They are now healthy, attending church in town and a local Christian school. We have some special needs, some with learning disabilities and some with physical challenges.
We have never done child sponsorship, because we are such a small organization. I think we would be overwhelmed with too many sponsors and too few kids.

In addition to the orphanage, we run a feeding clinic  and milk program. The feeding clinic is for malnourished children from 1 year old to about 8 years old. They come in every two weeks, are weighed and evaluated. We address any needs, medical or otherwise, and give them food and supplements to take with them. We have around 50 kids on this program.
The milk program is for babies whose moms have died. Occasionally we help a mom with HIV with formula for her baby. The babies are weighed each time they come in, to ensure that they are receiving the formula. We give them a two week supply of powdered baby formula. We try to keep under 20 babies for this program.

The great thing about these programs is that it keeps the kids with their families, which is always our first plan. After we put them on the program, we can then closely monitor their situations. We are always on the lookout for restaveks, child slaves. We have several children at HHH who were slaves, or possibly getting ready to be ‘sold’ as a slave, that we were able to rescue.

We love our clinic families, and do what we can to help them, when funds allow. We always share the Gospel with them, and have seen a number of families leave voodoo and come to Christ.

If you enjoyed this post or learned something special- please share!!

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Simply Love Project + Tom Davis Children’s HopeChest {TEASER}!!

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Simply Love Project + Tom Davis Children’s HopeChest {TEASER}!!

Posted on 04 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

In 24 hours, you will have the chance to join the craziness to WIN a Children’s HopeChest mission trip + support two special projects simply with the purchase of a tee shirt. We are SO EXCITED to kick off on March 5th the Simply Love – Man Up projects partnering with Tom Davis and his amazing ministry. Take a teaser peek here at the store. Simply Love tees will fund Pignon, Haiti Home of Hope projects and Man Up tees will fund the Moldova “Beginning of Life” project!! 1 tee = 1 entry to win the CHC mission trip, but most importantly …. your donations will help support life-changing projects in Haiti and Moldova that will make a difference in a big, crazy way!

Stop by here in the morning and let’s kick off our project with a bang! I know YOU can do it!!!! Soooo … what do you think about my new project with Tom Davis? I want to know in the comments!

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The Craziness Starts 3/5 – Simply Love + Tom Davis Giveaway!!!

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The Craziness Starts 3/5 – Simply Love + Tom Davis Giveaway!!!

Posted on 21 February 2012 by Kari Gibson

Hello crazy readers, I wanted to personally say …. I’M SORRY if you came over here and got bit by a nasty computer virus bug. I have a brand new web manager and thick walls of protection around my site. I’m 100% virus free and you can feel safe to “share” links or “Pin It” to your blog friends. I’m grateful to you, my faithful friends and appreciate your patience waiting for new posts. I had to take a mini vacation absence during the clean up, but have the official GO to continue blogging daily to encourage moms, support adoption, and celebrate our humanitarian projects to make a difference in the whole wide world!

I’m sooooo excited to announce our 2nd collaboration with Tom Davis and Children’s HopeChest ministry starting March 5th right here on My Crazy Adoption! This will be the craziest, biggest, heart pounding 2 week project we’ve ever done together! We have two projects we are raising funds for in Haiti and Moldova, as well as GIVING AWAY a special mission trip (value: $3,000) to one mission-hearted blogger! 1 tee = 1 entry to win!!

I need your help before we kick off the crazy project 3/5. Children’s HopeChest needs 10 volunteers to purchase 1 tee shirt for a test run to ensure the new store site is running without any snags. We want the process to be problem-free from start to purchase for every donation. If you are interested in volunteering, there is a bonus gift for you. We can refund you for your purchase or we can give you an additional tee shirt, including an extra entry to win the mission trip giveaway! Please email me here and let me know you want to be a “Crazy Project Volunteer” I will pick the first 10 people starting now ….. on your mark get set GO! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about the new Tom Davis + Simply Love Project coming soon!!

BTW- Happy Mardi Gras Day. We took this “Fat Tuesday” photo of Zoie in 2009! Hope this makes your day happy!


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Shirts For Shoes – Measuring little feet + Pics

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Shirts For Shoes – Measuring little feet + Pics

Posted on 11 March 2010 by Kari Gibson

Thank you for helping these precious orphans in Ethiopia receive NEW SHOES. The vision trip with Tom Davis and HopeChest is scheduled in April.  I wish like crazy I could join the team, but I will be cheering for the children from home- waiting to see photos and video of the shoe delivery!  We have more photos coming from orphanages in Ethiopia!  Here are a few of the orphans at Kind Hearts receiving shoes from our Valentine’s Day project.


Last week, ALL 68 kids at Kind Hearts were measured for NEW SHOES!! Not the flimsy, plastic or rubber shoes they usually wear … but quality leather shoes with laces and rugged soles, to last a long time and protect little feet. The photos below were taken last week at Kind Hearts. The kids feet are being measured with an old-fashioned, wooden shoe sizing device. In a few weeks, their new shoes will arrive and I will post pictures here.

These children are seeing the tangible results of your love, prayers and concern! It is amazing to see the difference in these kids since I was there in December and they were about to close down the school for lack of funding. The children were lethargic and weak with hunger and were only being fed ONE TIME EACH WEEK at Kind Hearts.

From the album:

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