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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 05 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers today, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (ex: to take readers directly to your site.

Crazy Links:

  1. American Girl Doll Giveaway- The adoption giveaway will be open from February 28 until March 6. The will be announced via Facebook and here on our blog by our daughter, Zoe at 6pm(PST) on the 6th.  Enter Here.
  2. You can purchase Simply Love Congo tees to support this incredible Cardin Family adoption! website and blog:,

10 Comments For This Post

  1. Nichole Says:

    A Prayer for the Motherless

    Thank you!

  2. Shonni Says:

    Thank you so much,
    Yes, we are having an auction to raise money to bring home our 2 children from China. You can find out about the auction here:
    and I have posted about our amazing journey to these children all week on my blog, which you can visit here:
    Thank you so much!!!

  3. Brandy Wade Says:

    Thank you! This is a great idea. I would love to share our blog: We are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia. We are collecting diaper and formula donations and we're also preparing for an upcoming brain surgery for myself! Whew… crazy times!

  4. Jason Cardin Says:

    We are Jason & Jessica Cardin and are currently in process of adopting an infant girl from the DR Congo. God has laid it on our hearts to increase our family through adoption. This decision has not been made lightly. It has been made with a lot of prayer, thought, and discussion. We know we are doing what God wants us to do and that He will provide for us. We are trusting in Him for all. Here are our links again:

    Thanks, Kari for helping us with our adoption

  5. Colleen Says:

    We are Raj and Colleen Maamidi and we are involved with orphan ministry in India. We just got back from a mission trip and I would love to share a link to our recent newsletter with some pics and news from the trip. Thanks for the opportunity to put links on here:)

    Also, here is our blog link

    Thank you!

  6. Josh & Katie Says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to share! We are so excited that God's leading us to adopt two little ones from Africa. We're currently saving and praying…trusting that He owns all the money in the world and is eager to provide. Right now we're trying to save/raise the first $5000 chunk before we officially begin the "paperchase." We have a small Etsy store with adorable stuff for babies, moms, and children. All the funds go towards our adoption fund!
    Family Blog:

  7. Sissy Ski Says:

    I've shared my link before, but I'm going to do it again! Hilariously true stories updated every Friday–not adoption-related. Thanks for the opportunity!

  8. Julie Says:

    We have 2 bio sons and two daughters…one adopted from Ethiopia and one from China. The great Poverty we experienced while in Ethiopia has left us compelled to do more. Our family is partnering with charity:water to build a water well in a developing nation. Please hop over to our blog and check it out and GIVE. It costs $5,000 to build a well, and we're over half way there, but NEED YOUR HELP!! Our blog address is or go to our campaign page at water
    Together, we can CHANGE THE WORLD!!

  9. Sharon Wheeless Says:

    We have two biological kids and are on the waiting list to adopt two more from Ethiopia. Check us out at

  10. Nicky Lenth Says:

    Thank you for giving us a chance to share. We are working hard to bring our daughter, Nephtali home from Haiti. We started a 2 yrs ago after my husbands mission trip to work at the orphanage we help support. But with wrong information, no agency involved, and then the earthquake we have had to almost start all over. My husband was able to help 7 orphans come home to their forever families while he was there in Haiti during the earthquake but he had to leave our daughter behind. We are now working with an agency, raising funds, and trying to make others aware of the our needs and the needs of these precious children looking for hope and love
    Our blog address is .

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