Snow Days
It’s a blizzard across the entire mid-west including our city and our 18-year old son wants to go “hang” with his friends. I understand … I really do. I remember being 18, having a snow day and wanting to do anything but stay at home! That’s the paradox of a day out of school. You don’t want to be in class studying but you also don’t want to be away from friends. My husband informs Kyle that he isn’t going anywhere; that there’s at least an inch of ice under 6 inches of snow, schools are closed, businesses are closed, and the news informs the city to stay off the highways unless “absolutely necessary.” Is it absolutely necessary to go hang with friends? Hummmm, I don’t think so. Again, I understand my son, but I’m a mom and it’s our responsibility as his parents to make wise decisions to protect his safety while he lives in this home … right?
Quite possibly the main reason I so identify with my son is because I tend to be a lot like him – or is it the other way around! Kyle and I are all about the fun … relationships, laughing, socializing, and communicating with others. And we tend to push the envelope a bit when it comes to following rules. My husband is always early (unless my hair isn’t just right!), he drives the speed limit, and he colors within the lines! He balances me … or I guess we balance each other.
In my own life, I find myself forging ahead all too often making decisions based on my feelings, my emotions, my own will. Psalm 147:10-11 tells us that the Lord delights in us when we put our trust in Him … “His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Much like Don and I want to provide a safety net for our kids, God provides that safety net for us when we CHOOSE to listen to His voice … heed his guidance. There are countless times I have sensed His voice during a quiet time, walking away with such a peace only to later be tempted by circumstances, anxiety, or other voices. It is these times when I recognize that my flesh wants to take over the control I earlier relinquished to my Father. Don and I want our son to lean on the love and leadership of Christ in all his decisions. But it might have taken a few snow days for me to realize that like my son I often allow my flesh and my selfish will to dictate and control my life.
I would love to hear from you! How have your kids taught you things about trusting God or revealed things about your own spiritual journey?
On this journey with you,