Archive | Mommyhood

Just for Moms!


Just for Moms!

Posted on 04 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

Guest Blogger-

Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

It’s so easy during any given day (or hour!) to become weary as moms.  Did you ever feel sunk before your feet even hit the floor in the morning?  Have you known the reality of failure?  Been there.  Two kids into this parenting gig and I thought we were doin’ ok.  Yes, there were the sleepless nights.  One out of the two guys was a little intense, if you know what I mean.  The other never wanted to sleep unless there was flesh next to him, namely MY flesh.  But really, all in all we were doing ok.  Then God blessed us with number three.  Little did we know at the time, He was just really preparing us for number four child!  That third guy though, I should have known what was coming during labor when he pretty much REFUSED to be born!  Stubborn with a mile-high S was that sweet boy.  My character was tested daily as we were all crammed into a small two bedroom apartment in the middle of the inner-city of Chicago while my husband was in Bible college.

As a mom, have you ever just wanted to throw a big screamin’ temper-tantrum?  Or maybe like me, you haven’t just wanted to, but have DONE so … numerous times.  Only to feel defeated afterward, not to mention the wasted energy that could have been used to actually cook dinner or wipe yet another dirty bottom.  Last time I looked there wasn’t a long line of people waiting in line to cheer me on with this mothering gig.  No, instead there is a long line of dishes strung across the counters, piles of laundry pretty much every direction you look, spills, unpaid bills, marked up furniture, wet diapers (and don’t forget the stinky ones) and NOISE! … definitely can’t forget the NOISE!  How’s a mom even to concentrate and THINK, for crying out loud?

Yet LITERALLY!!!, before you know it … my three sons are now all towering over me and God has brought along two sweet-with-a-mix-of-spunk daughters into the mix.  The oldest is firmly rooted and full of dreams, waiting to receive an acceptance to Bible college.  The middle one is a jack-of-all-trades guy who can do anything from fixing a toilet to hushing a fussy babe, not to mention COOK!  The third (who now and then puts this momma over the edge) has found his voice and the rhythm of drums and loves teaching his little sisters about Jesus.  As I reflect on the last 17 years of mothering I can’t help but think of Galatians 6:9.  Fellow moms ….. let us NOT become WEARY in doing good … for at the proper time we WILL … we WILL …. reap a harvest if we do not give up!

Shelly Roberts


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Guest Blogger – Unexpected Tears

Posted on 03 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

My hubby had worked all day and I had a party to attend, so we planned to meet each other at home afterwards for a nice relaxing evening for two. I had the idea to stop at the grocery store on my way home and pick up some premade chicken and his favorite sourdough bread. I threw in some chocolate for dessert, of course, but when I got home, I was surprised.

I found out that he had stopped at the store as well. I walked in around 7:00pm to find flowers on the counter, a letter and more chocolate. We surprised each other. We had dinner, watched a comedy and played a few games of Yahtzee. It was a nice, relaxing night, filled with affection and laughter.

Then it happened.

Tears. Unexpected tears.

My husband was shocked, wondering, what the heck just happened?

Well, a woman’s hormones, that, is what!

Poor him…I know!

Suddenly, the quiet house affected me. Some parents long for that, I hear it often. “Ooh, an alone night. Aren’t you lucky? I wish I had a break now and then.” I smile and say, “Yes. It’s going to be nice,” but silently, I think that they are the lucky ones.

Partly, because with a divorce, the pain of being away from your kids for several days at a time, actually stinks. The other part is that I want more kids. I always have.

When I hear about other pregnancies and newborns, I am happy for the families, but I would be fibbing if I said it did not hurt. I think about how it would be if my last pregnancy had made it, I would have a chubby little pink cheeked baby sitting in my lap at this very moment.

One minute I think that I am okay. After four miscarriages, I say, forget it. I tell my hubby and everyone that asks that I am done trying. After all, if it were meant to be, wouldn’t it have happened by now? I tell myself that God has other plans for me.

I have had several D&C’s, several trips to the hospital, lots of cramps, many bills and way too many tears. I have had weight gain as a result of the hormones that would wake me up at 3:00 in the morning, because I was hungry, but no baby to show for it.

I have had pain.

I remember the excitement I felt when the pregnancy stick was positive.

I remember the disappointment I felt after the blood loss and cramping told me, “false alarm, no baby this time.” I remember my last 3-month check up that went really well. So well in fact, that we went to Babies R Us to sit in rockers, look at cribs, and push a few strollers around.

I remember talking about baby names, wondering what color the baby’s hair and eyes would be, and posting pictures of fruit on the fridge for our kids to show them what size our baby “was.”

I remember the tears that followed the miscarriages, and the tears that I cried when the nurses and doctors checked my blood pressure, poked me with needles and wheeled me into the next room.

I remember waking up on a hospital gurney feeling…empty.

Four miscarriages. Four babies. Almost.

What kind of person in their right mind would want to go through all of that again? Not me, I say, but then it happens. The overflow of emotions that mean, maybe I would, maybe I should…

I’ve had four miscarriages, but I have also had one baby. I do know what it is like to have a beautiful little baby sitting on my lap as I feed her. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to watch my daughter sleep and to make sure she was breathing. I remember her smell, her skin, her pink cradle cap comb, her first smile, the sound of her cry and the orange sherbet colored onesy that I loved to put her in.

A baby would make all of the tears worth it. Then I think, what if. What if we try again, and it results in another baby, almost.

I am not sure if we will try again. All I know is that sometimes, when I least expect it, it hurts.

My Happily Ever After Again Blog

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Inner Beauty Series – Snow Days


Inner Beauty Series – Snow Days

Posted on 02 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

Snow Days

It’s a blizzard across the entire mid-west including our city and our 18-year old son wants to go “hang” with his friends.  I understand … I really do.  I remember being 18, having a snow day and wanting to do anything but stay at home!  That’s the paradox of a day out of school.  You don’t want to be in class studying but you also don’t want to be away from friends.  My husband informs Kyle that he isn’t going anywhere; that there’s at least an inch of ice under 6 inches of snow, schools are closed, businesses are closed, and the news informs the city to stay off the highways unless “absolutely necessary.”  Is it absolutely necessary to go hang with friends?  Hummmm, I don’t think so.  Again, I understand my son, but I’m a mom and it’s our responsibility as his parents to make wise decisions to protect his safety while he lives in this home … right?

Quite possibly the main reason I so identify with my son is because I tend to be a lot like him – or is it the other way around!  Kyle and I are all about the fun … relationships, laughing, socializing, and communicating with others.  And we tend to push the envelope a bit when it comes to following rules.  My husband is always early (unless my hair isn’t just right!), he drives the speed limit, and he colors within the lines!  He balances me … or I guess we balance each other.

In my own life, I find myself forging ahead all too often making decisions based on my feelings, my emotions, my own will.  Psalm 147:10-11 tells us that the Lord delights in us when we put our trust in Him … “His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.”  Much like Don and I want to provide a safety net for our kids, God provides that safety net for us when we CHOOSE to listen to His voice … heed his guidance.  There are countless times I have sensed His voice during a quiet time, walking away with such a peace only to later be tempted by circumstances, anxiety, or other voices.  It is these times when I recognize that my flesh wants to take over the control I earlier relinquished to my Father.  Don and I want our son to lean on the love and leadership of Christ in all his decisions.  But it might have taken a few snow days for me to realize that like my son I often allow my flesh and my selfish will to dictate and control my life.

I would love to hear from you!  How have your kids taught you things about trusting God or revealed things about your own spiritual journey?

On this journey with you,

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Inner Beauty Series – A Creeping Enemy


Inner Beauty Series – A Creeping Enemy

Posted on 23 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

A Creeping Enemy

Why is it so easy to allow the enemy to creep in to areas of weakness in our lives and camp out?  I recognize where he has taken up residency in my fragile parts and my dear friend shared this morning where he has taken up residency in hers.  What causes this in our lives?  Is it laziness, weariness, stress, lack of discipline, lack of focus?  For me, I think it’s probably a little bit of all of these things and that doesn’t make me proud!  As I look back over my journals I see entry after entry of God’s goodness and provision in my life.  I read of a woman bound and determined to stay the course, keeping eyes focused on Him … so what brings that same woman to such a halt allowing the enemy to wreck havoc on my heart?

Those questions could probably produce a theological dissertation so I won’t venture that direction here, but what I do know and I want to share is the beauty and glory of saturating myself with His word and what a difference that makes!  Several weeks ago I spent some time looking for a verse my 26-year-old daughter was looking for.  In my pursuit I came across verse after verse that blessed my weary soul.  I like to personal scripture and here are just a few that spoke to me:

Psalms 121 tells me that “The Lord watches over me, the Lord is my shade at my right hand; … He will watch over my life; the Lord will watch over my coming and going both now and forevermore.”  Psalm 139 says that He will hem me in … behind and before.  He has laid His hand upon me and such knowledge is too wonderful!  And Philippians 1:6 says that I can be confident that “He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

We know that this life will bring trials; the Lord was clear on that point.  He also understands temptation, insecurity, disillusionment, and disappointment.  Jeremiah 29:11 makes it clear that He has a plan and a purpose for our lives even in the midst of temptations, insecurities, and disappointments.  But one verse that blesses me beyond words is the next verse, “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I WILL LISTEN TO YOU.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you!”  Can you imagine … can you wrap your heart around that!?  We can find Him; He’s not hiding from us.  We can’t disappoint Him.  That is one of the most beautiful truths I know here on this earth!

What draws you back into the Father’s fold when you sometimes feel a little disconnected?  I would love to hear from you.

Be encouraged today my dear friends!

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Mommy DIY “Pics Make It Personal”

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Mommy DIY “Pics Make It Personal”

Posted on 22 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

Guest Blogger- Hello My Crazy Adoption blog readers!

Today I am bringing you some tips for decorating your home. Not just any decorating mind you! While there is a time & a play for seasonal decor … and a time & a place to have interior decorators (for those that do) … there is also a time & a place for family. Can I say MORE than a time & a place? Dare I say it: family should be incorporated into your every day living – every day! In this day & age, it is easy to get swept up into the world of Ikea or Pottery Barn or many other stores that help you design, decorate, organize and create your space. But the biggest mistake I see people making? NOT incorporating family photos into their world & their walls.

In June of this year ( I talked about my love of 9 by Design (I’ve heard they are filming a new season! wahoooo!) and the simple sentiments that Cortney shared, “using photographs personalizes a space.” I couldn’t agree more!

Here I’m sharing with you how my own clients ( have used our child & family sessions to their advantage, making their living spaces more personal than ever. I hope seeing their ‘real life’ examples gives you the strength to do one of a few things a) hire a professional photographer once a year so you can get some family photographs with YOU in them (yes, I am talking to you, mom! occasionally I have a few dads who are behind the cameras in their families, but usually it’s mom on that point n’ shoot – which means she is NEVER in the picture!) and b) get your professional images up on your walls at home. There is nothing more amazing than when I walk into my clients’ homes and their 18 month old greets me with smiles, giggles & pointing to a row of family photographs, where all I can make out is that he is telling me about “dada” and “brother” and their fun time skipping rocks together. If you don’t believe your children notice, I hope that story makes you stop in your tracks. They do! There is nothing more enjoyable for them than seeing your family love displayed on the walls at home for them to look at & share with anyone who walks through that door.

Many of the images you see here that are displayed in them main living areas of these family homes, are no less than 16×20 in size. No less! Yes, the term ‘go big, or go home‘ comes to mind … although maybe we should change it to ‘go big for your home’ ;) what do you think? When you are looking at a family of four or more, the family photograph (that includes all of you) should be no smaller than 16×20. Use matted & framed 5x7s, 8x10s, and 8x12s to fill smaller spaces in your home, leaving the prominent display areas for large family images that immediately make an impact when your family & friends walk through the door.

This family (IMG_2584KBfamily walls) created a Fine Art Canvas gallery display based on some sample designs I sent her way. In the end, what you are looking at is (6) 10x10s, (3) 10x20s and (1) 16×20 (the middle family image). With the chair & the side table, you can bet this makes an immediate impact upon walking in their home.

I hope you enjoyed this quick look into how I’ve worked with my clients in developing their own personal space. Nothing will give you greater joy and fill your room with instant love than hanging photographs of those you love in the space you spend your time. Your kids will thank you for it for years to come!

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Happy Decorating!!

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MarytheKay – Aisle 1 at Walmart

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MarytheKay – Aisle 1 at Walmart

Posted on 16 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

I want to thank Kari for allowing me to guest post again.  What an honor to help “hold down the fort” while she’s in Ethiopia loving on precious orphans, and spreading her contagious smile across Africa!

The last time I guest-posted here, I chatted away about food…and my lack of New Year’s exercise motivation.  Here I go again, talking about the same old things.  Huh.  I don’t see a problem here, do you???   If ever you find yourself wanting some *wink wink* good old-fashioned snacks and conversation, feel free to stop on by my blog anytime!  My blog door’s always open, cold Cokes in the fridge!!

Dear Aisle 1 at Walmart,

You really make me mad.  I try so hard to walk past you—right there at the front of the store.  Tricking all the people who have just filled their carts with healthy fruits and vegetables.  Oh, but I’m on to you, don’t you worry.  I know your little trick.  Putting the daily necessities like bread and coffee right next to the middle-aged forbidden fruit.  You know exactly what kind of forbidden fruit I’m talking about.  Things with such sweet and helpful sounding names–like “Hostess” and “Little Debbie.”

Well, I’ve got news for you, Walmart.  Debbie was not little.

No woman can create beautiful snacks that pack 785 calories into 4 small bites, and still shop at Petite Sophisticate.

Oh.  Do I sound bitter?

It’s just that I try so hard.  I really do.  I make a list beforehand, I try to find the most healthy choices in the fruit and vegetable aisles…I take a deep breath, and determined turn down the bread aisle—you know, the dreaded Aisle 1—and already I am assaulted with the choice of wheat vs. white.  My brain says “wheat,” but my heart cries out, “White, please!  Think of the jelly toast, the grilled cheese, and oh my wheatberry—the peanut butter and jelly!”  Some things in life are just meant to be smooth, you know?

Then, after my brain and my heart have battled out the (lame-o) sandwich bread choice, what assails me next?  Well, the bright lights, the flashing neon, and the catcalls hollering at me from the shelves.  It’s kind of like leaving Mayberry, and running smack into Vegas, baby.

You think I’m exaggerating?

Have you SEEN that aisle?  I had to wait 5 ½ minutes just to take a picture without the mom and too-old-to-still-be living at home daughter.  That poor duo could not decide between the Donut Sticks and the Honey Buns.  And frankly, I don’t know which they chose.  I had to look away.  It was just too painful to watch.  Because that decision is easy.  Put them BOTH into your cart and move on.

I mean, am I the only one who feels violated by the colorful packaging and names of snacks that sound like your best friends?  Who doesn’t want a Nutty Buddy?  Doesn’t everyone want to feel like a celebrity eating a Star Crunch?  We all could use a little fancy in our lives with the Fancy Cakes.  And dangit, if that’s not enough, guess what Little Debbie’s motto is?  “Unwrap a smile.”  Who knew a smile was as easy as that?  I’ll take a Nutty Buddy smile with a side grin of Donut Stick.  And heck, while we’re at it, I’d like at least a month’s worth of smiles—how about you?

And, therein lies the problem.

My hips and waistline cannot support a month of Little Debbies.  Smiley, or no smiley.  Heck, my hips and waistline cannot even support a 4-day workweek of smiles.  Already my belt is one smile short of disaster.

I don’t really remember the day I stopped shopping the Vegas part of Aisle 1.  I’m kinda sad there was no farewell party or Bon Voyage.  I know my formerly skinny self “smiled” a lot in high school and college…and partying with no remorse, eating those seasonal Valentine hearts and Christmas tree snack cakes.  I even remember occasionally splurging on a Donut Stick or two in our early days of marriage.

Somewhere between my aerobics days of the 90s and the what the heck happened to my metabolism of my 30s, I started avoiding that part of Aisle 1.

And now.  Now I give people the angry eyes as they grab boxes of smiley Ding Dongs and Cosmic brownies.  Oh, they laugh now, throwing their heads back as they carelessly toss the Oatmeal Cream Pies into their carts. Oh, but just you wait.  Give it another 5-10 years, and they’ll be shopping the Activia and plain almonds soon enough.

How do I cope?  Well, let’s just say I feel like a downright rebel with my processed white sandwich bread.  Yep, I’m eating my smooth jelly toast and grilled cheese sandwiches with abandon.  Toss in a side of Activia and some almonds for dessert—and I am partying like it’s 1999!

So, Aisle 1 at Walmart, go on with your tricks and manipulation.  I’ve got your number.  And it is 1-800-Forget Jenny, It’s the Twinkie Diet 4 Me!!!

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Love Is So Much More

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Love Is So Much More

Posted on 12 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

Guest Blogger-
There were very few things more important than a Valentine box when I was in the fourth grade. It was an unwritten rule; if it looked good, so did you.  I spent hours crunching through my cardboard shoebox with safety scissors creating what looked like a crepe paper and glitter explosion.   It was perfect!
However, there was an even more daunting task ahead … making sure the right card was sent to the right person in the classroom. The rest of the school year could end up in ruins if a girl goofed and sent a boy one of the cards that had the LOVE word on it.  The thought of Ricky Ashmore or Bobby Webb getting one of the LOVE cards with my signature on it still makes my mouth go dry!
One simple word can alter the landscape on any relationship, especially if you are in the fourth grade.  Even for grown ups, the word love can be misunderstood and confusing. What does it really mean to love someone?  Does our behavior match our loosely spoken words?  Do we say, “I love you” but fail to show respect or keep our promises?  Do we get testy and selfish about silly details?  Do we explode on someone who innocently says something to kick us up from steaming mad to boiling over?
First Corinthians Chapter 13 doesn’t hem-haw or stutter when it tells us what love is and what love isn’t.   But have you ever read past verse seven?  Verse 11 says, “When I was a child I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man I put childish ways behind me.”  The translation straight from the Greek is, “Get your thumb out of your mouth and grow up.”  What is the mile-marker-age we put childish ways behind us?  I’m not sure, but clearly we’re old enough to put on our big kid pants, get over ourselves, and move on.
All of us fumble around attempting to do the best we can in our relationships and we still mess up more than we would like to admit. Humbling ourselves, acknowledging when we’re wrong, asking for forgiveness and trying again is how love works.   By the way, if we’re honestly putting childish ways behind us, the pouting and grudge holding aren’t a part of the equation.
Love is so much more than a fabulous Valentine box or a I love my Doberman bumper sticker or a I heart …  fill-in-the-blank tee shirt.  It’s complicated, mysterious, and like anything, the learning curve can be exhausting.   But it’s worth it.   The one thing I do know this: the farther behind us we put the childish things, the easier it gets.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Inner Beauty – A Scar and a Promise


Inner Beauty – A Scar and a Promise

Posted on 10 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

Guest Blogger-

My 14 year old son has a small scar under his right eye.  I don’t know how he got it.  Last week I needed to fill out paper work on his medical history, the circumstances surrounding his birth, his childhood firsts, and childhood illnesses.  I could not answer any of these questions.

Our family adopted Kaleb from Vladivostok Russia when he was 7 years old.  I don’t know the origin of the scar on his face and I may never know.  I do not know if he has had chicken pocks, mumps, measles, or if he has ever broken a bone.  I DO KNOW that he was often hungry, scared, and abandoned by those who were entrusted with his care.

But the most important thing I know about my son is that 15 days before he was born, the Lord spoke a promise to my heart, the promise of a son.  As parents of three biological children – two girls and a boy – my husband and I were not seeking to add to our family.  But early one morning, while I was praying and journaling the Lord laid upon my heart the idea of adopting a child.

The reason I share this somewhat vague story is to simply encourage adoptive parents.  We may never know all the things about our children – these incredible gifts from the Lord.  Suffice it to say, we know everything about our bio kiddos – we know all the cuts, bruises, and tears they have cried.  But the mystery surrounding our other children reminds me of the mysteries of God.  I CAN’T know or understand all the incredible ways of God – but I know that I can trust Him and that He has a plan and a purpose for my life and for the life of the child He has brought to our home.  Trusting Him brings joy, hope, satisfaction, and contentment to my life.  In the same way that I care for a child that at times is a mystery to me – I lean on the indefinable love and character of an ALL KNOWING Lord!

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