Archive | My Crazy Stuff


Are You Still Having Problems Viewing This Blog? (Clear Your Browser Cookies)

Posted on 10 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

If you are still having problems coming on my blog or blocked- don’t worry, it’s an easy fix. You have to clear your browser cookies. If you have no idea what I’m talking about …. read this post!

I have only heard stories of people getting their bank accounts or personal information getting hacked, but I never thought a crazy blog would suffer hacking and viruses. First of all, I apologize for the craziness the past month here and want you to know I hired a professional web manager to clean things up. I’m 100% virus free, but a few of you have told me you still can’t get back to my site. I promise that will be an easy fix and a Cookie 101 lesson. A week ago, I thought a cookie was filled with nuts and chocolate chips, but actually they are also in our computer.

So, if you are still getting the”block message” from viewing My Crazy Adoption from top to bottom and can’t read my posts- then do this…

Clear your browser cookies, then again open the link. If still get block message then let me know.

You can get article for clearing the browser cookies from your browser here –

What are cookies? A cookie is a message given to a Web browser by a Web server. The browser stores the message in a text file. The message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

Are cookies bad? Cookies do not act maliciously on computer systems. They are merely text files that can be deleted at any time – they are not plug-ins nor are they programs. Cookies cannot be used to spread viruses and they cannot access your hard drive. This does not mean that cookies are not relevant to a user’s privacy and anonymity on the Internet. Cookies cannot read your hard drive to find out information about you; however, any personal information that you give to a Web site, will most likely be stored in a cookie. In only this way are cookies a threat to privacy. The cookie will only contain information that you freely provide to a Web site.

How to Delete or Enable Cookies

  • How to delete cookies- If you are having problems accessing web sites, there may be corrupt cookies in which case you will need to delete the cookies on your computer. It is recommended that you also clear your web browser’s temporary files.
  • How to enable cookies – Cookies must be enabled for accessing many web sites, including Webmail and myExpedient as well as sites that provide a subscriber with personalized content or access to personal information.

For a yummy sugar cookie recipe- take a peek at this.


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Man Up and Go [TEASER]

Posted on 09 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

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Man Up and Go — Our IndiGoGo Website campaign is LIVE!!

Posted on 29 February 2012 by Kari Gibson

For those of you who might be new to My Crazy Adoption website- we are so excited to be a part of the incredible documentary film Man Up and Go. This full feature documentary film will premiere Summer 2012!! We got to preview on Sunday the first 22 minutes of the film and was blown away! You can be a crazy part of making this film come to life on the big screen- donating your time praying, fundraising, and sharing with your family and friends: Pin It, Facebook it and tweet it!!

Read all about the film and how you can be a partner to Man Up and Go. Click here- Man Up and Go Indigogo page.

Why would an unlikely band of American brothers go on an adventure, a road trip, to the depths of Ethiopia and Uganda and join with African men? To combat the heartbreaking problem of over 7,000,000 orphans suffering. Not dismayed by the staggering numbers, the men literally man up and go to change lives and discover their own lives are most impacted.

This cast of characters is joined by a common passion — to love and care for orphans and hurting people. Many call home Missouri, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Uganda and Ethiopia. Miles apart geographically and worlds apart socially, economically and culturally, this band of American brothers includes a seasoned cop, a retired military man and an architect. Then there is the standout ex-college football player, highly successful businessman, well-known publicist, celebrity athlete and teenage boys. With over 30 adventurers on this rag tag team, most previously have never stepped on African soil.

Focusing on five Americans, the film reveals the unique stories of the men…before the trip even starts. We see them at home, work and play and connect with their unfolding lives. The film’s journey continues as the team comes together at an airport in Washington DC — for most, a first time meeting, yet they unite as one.

The Americans are contrasted and compared with the lives of African brothers. Included are harrowing stories of survival through unthinkable situations — one being left for dead on a mountain of bodies and the second once orphaned himself, living in a dump. These stories and others represent shining examples of manhood and the spirit of the adventure.

Strongly drawing attention to the touching lives of orphaned children, the Man Up team travels to hidden children prisons and a dump site, which is home to thousands of orphans. The journey continues to a ministry for street children, a remote village in the middle of Ethiopia and to a multitude of orphanages. The needs of the precious children are revealed by the spirited actions of the Man Up team, entwining strong, common threads of hope, joy, love and the power these have over adversity

In-the-end, the American team travels home to their comfortable lives…but will they ever be the same? Will the choking facade of the American Dream grip them like it used to? The men return with the truth planted that life is not just about them; they are transformed by their African adventure and brothers, and are united with a strong commitment to love big and to be fathers to the fatherless.

Man Up And Go, a documentary motion picture, is being produced to bring significant awareness to viewers regarding the critical needs of the growing number (50,000,000 currently) of orphans in Africa and the desperate, heartbreaking lives that these beautiful children and people are forced to live.

Engaging character driven stories will unfold from the film’s main subjects, a group of men from America and Africa that are part of a team calling themselves Man Up 4 Orphans. With vastly different lives that contrast and compare, the film will illustrate that simple actions taken by normal people like you and me can produce encouraging, powerful change. Instead of focusing the film’s viewers only on the despair and heartache associated with the orphans, Man Up And Go looks to empower, inspire and lift people to act…and one-by-one we can make a difference.

When completed, Man Up and Go will be a feature-length documentary movie (Approximate 90 minutes with an anticipated PG rating). Shoot locations will be in the USA, Ethiopia and Uganda.

For more information contact:
Randy Bacon, Producer/Director
Jonathan Murphy, Producer/Senior Editor


We have taken the first step to get this important message out by self-funding the first portion of this project.  We fronted the money for the trip to Africa allowing us to capture the trip section of the film.  Now we need your help to help us complete the editing of the full length feature film, Man Up and Go.  We are trying to raise enough money to allow our team to edit full time and complete the movie. The money will also be used for the follow up “post-trip” filming and the film premiere.

MEET THE DIRECTOR- RANDY BACON – Director / Producer / Director of Photography-Cinematographer / Editor

Randy has been shooting professionally since 1985 and is in very high demand as a art portrait, editorial and commercial still photographer and cinematographer.   His clients reside throughout Missouri, nationally and internationally.  His adept still photography skills and artistry has gained him a multitude of awards to include:
American Photographer Magazine:  Images of the Year – Best Portrait Selection
417 Magazine: Photographer of the Year AND Artist of the Year (three time winner)
Gannett News-Leader: Photographer of the Year (seven time winner)
Business Journal Magazine:  Selected as one of the “Twelve People You Need To Know in 2011″
Addy Awards:  Best Photography in Print Advertising Campaign (multiple winner)

In 2008, Bacon expanded his creative still talents into the motion picture arena.  Instantly, securing a number of commercial video projects that continues to grow, he honed his motion abilities as to apply to his passion of film making.  Bacon’s movie film career exploded in 2010 with the release of his directorial debut and film production, The Last Days of Extraordinary Lives.    Produced by a long list of prominent supporters, the 90-minute documentary feature celebrates the meaning of life.  The movie has garnered a significant amount of film coverage and awards.  Included is the red carpet premiere at the Gillioz Theatre, playing to an audience of over 800 people.  In addition, the film has played on PBS to rave reviews and continues to appear at multiple universities and organizations.   The Last Days of Extraordinary Lives ran the film festival circuit and accumulated an impressive 15 film festival official selections and won over 10 awards, including Best Feature Documentary and Best Director. The film is now in the process of gaining national distribution.

Bacon’s career also has ventured into being a highly sought after public speaker at universities, schools, churches, businesses and more.   In addition, Randy and his wife/business partner, Shannon, own and manage one of the Missouri’s premiere art destinations, the Monarch Art Factory.  The Monarch is a 16,000 square foot art center that is home to a multitude of creative endeavors including Bacon’s 8,000 square foot studio and art galleries, as well as to their film production company, Bacon / Murphy Films.


Even if you can’t give, post this link on your Facebook, Twitter, blog or email list to get the message out to others.  Every little bit helps.  Thanks so much for taking the time to see what we are passionate about and partnering with us in making this film a reality!  Without you, we couldn’t make this happen.


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My 2012 Craziness (What’s Coming Up?)

Posted on 04 January 2012 by Kari Gibson

I survived our 14 day Christmas road trip with my 18, 15, and 3 year old kids (that’s another post) and took advantage of the 20 hour drive home to write down a few things that are coming up in my life. My hubby and I got so excited about the new year, we both agreed that it most definitely will be a crazy adventure. It’s really only been the past 3 years that I’ve had the courage to pray for God-Adventures. Do you pray for adventure? He has shown my little family His faithfulness in 2011 and continues to grow us through pain, mistakes, and miracles.

We are still waiting for our home to sell. It’s been over 5 years since we put it on the market without a single nibble. We continue to have faith that it will sell, but reminded everyday how grateful we are to live in a beautiful home, when so many people I love throughout the world struggle just to live.

We have started the process to bring Mercy here for medical treatment. I want to ask you to commit to praying for Mercy and her mother, Mulu, who is a widow, that God will expedite the paperwork needed to process her passport and medical visa quickly. I will keep you updated here on my blog  and together let’s help Mercy have a second chance on living a healthy life. We will start our new project, OPERATION: MERCY this month. Our goal is to raise $5,000 for all Mercy’s needs in Addis Ababa and in the US.

I have 2 upcoming mission trips scheduled for 2012. It was YOU that filled up the “Simply Love” trips to Haiti (Jan) and Ethiopia/Uganda (June) in record time. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you, the mission-hearted who has committed to live dead. I’ve started the 30 day Live Dead Challenge and hope you will buy the journal and join me learning how to live dead and love the lost, unreached and unengaged people groups around the world.

I want to personally thank (you) readers of this blog, who stuck with me during our adoption to Zoie and all the new readers who have jumped in with both feet to radically live James 1:27. For those of you who are adopting, fostering, caring for orphans, going on a mission trip … we are all in this together. My crazy bloggers, we made our point clear- we are not focused on individual successes, but diligent on working together making a difference in the life of a child desperate for love. Your generosity and kindness have made it possible to crown over 7,000 princesses in Ethiopia and Uganda, as well as mission-minded projects throughout 2011! I can’t wait to see what adventures God has planned for us in 2012!

Adoption Fundraising Families: check out here- Simply Love Kit for all your fundraising needs. What makes fundraising with Simply Love products so unique and different: you pick your designs and products to fit all your fundraising needs. I truly want to eliminate your stress and offer you exceptional services to help you raise funds to adopt.

Mission-Hearted Fundraising: you can use Simply Love Kit for all your mission trip/orphan care fundraising needs, too!!

Guest Bloggers: I want to continue to share your adoption stories. Email me if you are adopting or fostering and want to encourage, challenge, inspire, support or make us laugh at any stage of the adoption process. I also want to encourage you, the reader, to leave a comment when you read their stories. It means so much for the families to read your words of support.

Mommyhood: I have major changes coming soon- my son will graduate in May, my daughter turns sweet 16, and my 4 year old keeps me striving to stay young & healthy. I want to have a family that is free to be different, free to make mistakes, free to be vulnerable, and free to be candid. I’m reading the best parenting book, Grace Based Parenting and want to share at a deeper level what I’m learning as a mom, with my own family. I want to learn from you, too. I’ll keep up posting yummy recipes and family craft ideas. Come follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

Is there anything NEW you want me to write about or share here on the blog this year? Let me know in the comments.

If you have enjoyed or learned from this post, please share it:

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My Crazy Christmas Giveaway!!!!

Posted on 10 December 2011 by Kari Gibson


Congratulations to the 11 winners of My Crazy Christmas Giveaway. Winners were randomly selected. Thank you everyone who stopped by and entered to win! You are a blessing to me… Merry Christmas!!!

1. Chip- Live-Dead Journal

2. Becky Allister- Trevor Birch CD

3. Michelle Miller- Trevor Birch CD

4. Chantelle Grubbs- Trevor Birch CD

5. Catherine Bertossi- Trevor Birch CD

6. BB- Trevor Birch CD

7. Justin Simmons- Live-Dead Journal

8. Hauter13- Live-Dead Coffee Table Book

9. Kit Hoeck- Tom Davis Gift Basket

10. Jess Roch- Tom Davis Gift Basket

11. Christy- Live-Dead Coffee Table Book


I have collaborated with three amazing groups- 1 singer, and 2 unique ministries reaching the lost and touching the lives of orphans. This is simply an introduction, but in the next few months we’ll start some VERY exciting projects together. This is My Crazy Christmas GIVEAWAY – you have the chance to win some extraordinary gifts. I will randomly pick 11 winners on Monday, December 12th!!!

Who is Trevor Birch?

Do you remember this guy? He’s one of my best friends and launched his 1st solo album on 12/6! It’s such an honor to share a little (behind the scenes) with one of my favorite new artists. I want to encourage you to head over to iTunes and purchase his EP album of 5 songs.

Trevor shares: The development of this project has been an entire season of lessons on faith. That is why I’m so excited to tell you that my first solo album releases today, December 6th on iTunes. I had the honor of partnering with platinum selling producer/songwriter, Scotty D (Francesca Battistelli, Jeremy Camp, Jessie Daniels, Kutless and Jimmy Needham), to record this project in Nashville, TN. Early on in life, I discovered music has the ability to move people to worship and inspire them to action. I have been involved in the worship ministry of my local church since I was young and I believe strongly in the power of Christ to change a person’s life.  I have witnessed first-hand how music can be an integral part in that transformation. I am passionate about seeing others encouraged in their faith and it is my hope I can challenge others to see for themselves God has more for them than they can even imagine! Taking the step of faith to start this project was challenging, but God has orchestrated all the pieces to fall together in a way I could not have anticipated or planned myself. When I started the journey of recording this EP, I had so many contrasting thoughts and emotions. In recent years, I’ve been afforded opportunities to perform regularly for tens of thousands through my active involvement in my church home, James River Assembly.  But, at the time, it seemed like so many things were stacked against me—the loss of a job, lack of finances, finding the right producer, the divorce of my parents and personal insecurities.  Deciding that I would make the commitment to see this project through meant I would have to live out my faith in Christ in ways I hadn’t done before. The lyrics to my upbeat, guitar driven single, “Open Doors”, describes this journey perfectly: “Here I go even though I still have doubt / A leap of faith isn’t safe / But it’s about time I start trusting You.”

Giveaway #1 – 5 people will win a free Trevor Birch CD. Leave a comment to enter.



What is Live Dead?

Live Dead: Planting Churches Among Unreached Peoples Through Teams

The Holy Spirit is speaking to his Church, reminding us of the passion that he has never relinquished — the passion to be glorified by every tribe, tongue, people and nation. We committed to taking the church where it does not exist; to making Christ known to people groups who don’t have an opportunity to know him. Live Dead is more than a strategy it is a bridge to practically make a difference in the statistic that 40% of the world lives without access to Christ. We believe that we can make a difference; we believe that we must make a difference. Live Dead is a re-dedication to pioneering whatever the cost. Live Dead realizes that the places today where the Church does not exist are harsh, fierce, lonely and demanding; yet we still must go there. Live Dead is a commitment to evangelism and church planting among unreached peoples in community through teams. Live Dead acknowledges that if unreached peoples are going to embrace Jesus as Lord, we must die to our selfish passions and small dreams and live joyfully surrendered to the will, plan and means of our Missionary God. Living dead is a call to joy, a call to life, a call of hope. Living Dead means listening to the Spirit calling us to “take up our cross” for the sake of those who don’t know what the cross is or what it stands for. Living Dead means listening to the example of those who have gone before us, men and women like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who said, When God calls a man, he bids him come and die.” Living Dead means listening to the cry of those in spiritual death. They call to us: We will live, if you will die.”

Giveaway #2 – Two people will win The Live Dead Journal and two people will win Live Dead Coffee Table Book. Leave a comment to enter.



What is Children’s HopeChest?

My good friend, Tom Davis is simply one of my heroes for the fatherless! He shares his testimony here …. Today, HopeChest is a thriving international ministry to orphans, connecting them to the life transforming power of community-based relationships with Christians in the U.S. and Canada. It’s my passion to inspire others to find their place in orphan ministry and give themselves to the poor and impoverished children of the world. At HopeChest, we advocate a “community to community”partnership model. While many great organizations exist to provide individual sponsorship opportunities, we believe that holistic, sustainable change in the poorest communities occurs when one community partners with another.

We invite you to become an extravagant giver this year by joining Change Their Story. You are invited to sign up and fundraise for orphans who are starving and girls who are targeted by sex traffickers. Your family will never be the same. And if you aren’t ready to take that step, then consider making a donation or supporting one of our HopeRaisers. See the full list here.

Giveaway #3 – Two people will win Tom Davis gift baskets full of his bestselling books (signed) and stunning souvenirs from the different countries Children’s HopeChest serves. Leave a comment to enter.

If you have enjoyed or learned from this post, please share it:

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 24 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is your personal shout out for your adoption or missions projects!  My Crazy Adoption Blog is dedicated to bringing the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links every Saturday.

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers click on the “Inlinkz” at the end of this post and include your link with an eye catching title for your project. If you want to HELP others who are fundraising for a purpose … please check out their sites in the Linkz.

How do I add my link?

  1.  Add your URL permalink.
  2.  Add the NAME of your project- come up with something eye-catching!

You can also leave a comment including all your project testimony and permalink (example: ) to take readers directly to your site.

Please feel free to email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love post content. Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers. I want to help you get the word out there!


1.  About the “Hope for Korah” Print Sale:
After walking the muddy streets of Korah, holding the joyful faces of children in our hands, and seeing their needs – we knew we had to do something. To find a way to use the gifts God gave us to help our friends in Korah. We had to find a way to get our friends from home involved, to make people aware of their situation.  Because we love God and because He has made me aware and now we are responsible.
What birthed from those thoughts and prayers was this!  A “Hope for Korah” print sale!  Wynne and Jenn have teamed up to offer you a variety of images from our time in Korah, Ethiopia this summer.  The images you see will not only be a great reminder in your home or office to PRAY for these children and this place, but they will allow 
Project 61 to purchase much needed school supplies for the 250 children that are sponsored to go to boarding school!
Your purchase of a 11×14 print ($55 + shipping/handling) will help provide 
one child with 2 uniforms & all the books they need for the school year!  Your purchase of a 16×20 print ($110 + shipping/handling) will help provide two children with 2 uniforms & all the books they need for the school year!
It’s our prayer that these images will tell the stories of our friends in Korah & remind you of the hope that we all have in Christ.  We are so thankful for your support!  Please email 
 if you have any questions!

For more information about Project 61, go to:
Wynne’s Adoption blog, go to:
Jenn’s Adoption blog, go to:

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Be A Super-Hero Family {Giveaway}

Posted on 23 September 2011 by Kari Gibson


**Congrats Andrea** Email me your sizes!!!

Are you ready to be a real-life super hero and take the oath to protect, love, and defend the fatherless? Well, every super hero needs a tee shirt to stand tall and boldly testify his commitment to live James 1:27.  I’m giving away 4 tees (2 adult + 2 youth) to a family (singles, too) that faithfully dedicates to simply love orphans together – minus the cape. You can go Up, Up, and Away with NEW super-hero Simply Love tees.

You Pick One to Enter:

(Let me know what you pick)

  1. Leave a comment and share who your (or kids) favorite super-hero is.
  2. Add My Crazy Adoption button to your blog or blogroll for daily feeds.
  3. Share the Super-Hero challenge on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter. (link-
  4. Le me know how you would use your super-hero gifts to make a difference?

This is a 3 day GIVEAWAY!  I’ll announce the winner [here] on Monday with an **UPDATED POST**

Check out My Crazy Adoption Store.

You can purchase tees, hoodies, prints, beads, coffee mugs, and more!

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Vlog – What Exactly Is Crazy Links I Love?

Posted on 17 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

Every Saturday, I have a regular post called “Crazy Links I Love” to help you shout out your adoption or missions fundraiser projects to my readers.  My Crazy Adoption wants to continue to support, encourage, and advocate for the fatherless in one spot every week.  Don’t be shy, take advantage of the new Inlinkz tool (I purchased it just for YOU!) to help you bring others to your blogsites and projects.

I made a special Vlog for you this week, to talk through the craziness how to use Crazy Links I Love to help you run a successful fundraiser.  You can add your links up to 48 hrs before it closes, but they are there permanently for others to view.

Go ahead and give it a try! If you have a project to share … click on Inlinkz or leave a comment.

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 10 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is your personal shout out for your adoption or missions projects!  My Crazy Adoption Blog is dedicated to bringing the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links every Saturday.

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers click on the “Inlinkz” at the end of this post and include your link with an eye catching title for your project.

You can also leave a comment including all your project information and permalink (example ) to take readers directly to your site.

Please feel free to email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love post content. Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers. I want to help you get the word out there!



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My Very First Vlog (Live Craziness)

Posted on 29 August 2011 by Kari Gibson

What is a Vlog?  Here is the official “google” definition: Short for “video blog.” A vlog is the video equivalent of a blog, most commonly featured on YouTube. Much like plain ol’ text blogs, these can range from the informative to the hysterical.

I will really work on making my vlogging hysterical, but for the first vlog attempt, it’s just you and me gabbing… well, kinda.  I will admit, it felt a little awkward hiding in a corner of my church cafe talking to myself, but I got through it.  When I showed my hubby the video to preview, he laughed (yes!) and encouraged me to keep vlogging, but to commit from start to finish.  Honestly, I was nervous someone would come around the corner and catch me talking to myself and finally prove that I’m crazy!

3 things I need to improve on my next vlog:

  1. Get better lighting so I don’t look green(ish) like Elphaba in Wicked.
  2. Sit back a little further from the screen so I don’t cut off my eyebrows.
  3. Add a variety of adjectives. Can you guess how many times I say the word “incredible” ?

I haven’t picked an official vlog day, but for now … let’s make it a weekly surprise.  My hubby will be my first vlogger guest and share an incredible story from his mission trip.  What topics do you want me to vlog about … any suggestions?

Just click play …

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Crazy Links I Love [New Inlinkz]

Posted on 27 August 2011 by Kari Gibson

You Inspire Me!

If you are raising funds for adoption or orphan care … I want to help!  Click on the Inlinkz at the bottom of the post and add your information.  If you need Inlinkz 101- take a peek at the description below.  Also, feel free to leave a comment and share your story and project.  This is YOUR shout out!!

PS: If you are selling Simply Love gear … please leave your blogs and links in the comments with a description of your project.

What is your main fear about raising money for adoption or a mission trip? I want to know …

What in the world is the “Inlinkz” at the bottom of this post?  Well, I want to continue to shout out for your adoption and mission trip projects and fundraisers.  This new tool will help YOU spread the word to other bloggers that want to help make a difference in the life of an orphan.  All you need to do is leave your “permalink” with an eye catching title for your projects every Saturday- open to share for 48 hrs. What this means … you have two days to add your link with the Inlinkz tool, but readers can click on your images [here] to view for months to come.

My Crazy Adoption Blog receives over 10,000 monthly readers.  The new InLinkz tool will help bring readers to your site, but it won’t work unless you share!

What is the InLinkz link tool?
  • It is a widget that is inserted in your blog and allows you to receive link submissions from your readers
  • The links can even include a picture and a small description
  • You are in total control of when the widget is available, how it is displayed and who is notified in the event of a submission
  • You can run it as a common link up, as a giveaway, as a contest where users get to vote or even as a product display or an image menu
  • It helps you edit your links, contact the participants, check your page views, check which links get the most clicks
  • It can be displayed on your blog or site and works on sites and RSS feeds
  • It is more powerful and flexible than any “linky tool” you may have used
  • …and you can read more about it here

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 20 August 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!! My Crazy Adoption Blog brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example ) to take readers directly to your site.

You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love post content. Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers. I want to help you get the word out there!


1. By way of introduction, my husband and I (Kristin) are currently in the middle of our international adoption, bringing home this little one will make ours a family of nine. We’ve identified a little girl with some special needs in Thailand and are praying hard that we’ll be able to adopt her. Thailand would have to make some exceptions in our case, and right now we’re just doing the old wait and wait and wait routine. One of these days we’ll hear something! : )

In the meantime, though, we’re working on raising funds, and that’s why I’m contacting you. My husband works in the film and video industry, so the idea for a film festival fundraiser was a no brainer for us. The festival is scheduled for October 28th, 2011. Our biggest need at this point is film submissions- we’re trying to round up a great variety of films to show, and need to get the word out. We’ll consider films from anyone, professional or amateur, the only real requirements are that they be short (under 15 minutes) and family friendly. There is no entry fee for submissions, the funds are being raised by audience donations.  Here is the link to the post that includes the submission guidelines and entry form-

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Beautiful Princesses In Uganda 2011

Posted on 19 June 2011 by Kari Gibson

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 28 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!!  My Crazy Adoption Blog brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example ) to take readers directly to your site.

You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love post content.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there!


1.  Hey Kari! I’m Kelly from VA. Love your blog! Just wanted to direct you to a post I just made.
I am sending 110 headbands to Elisa for your project. I found her when a post was made on a chat board I frequent asking for a cheap place to buy headbands. When I found out why, I knew God had directed me to your project! I have been selling bows and hair accessories for 6 years at craft shows and online. God has placed adoption on the heart of my family. We decided last year to adopt a special needs child from China. We have been met by all sorts of obstacles and are currently in a holding pattern, waiting on God’s hand of provision and perfect timing to move mountains. In the meantime, I fund raise for our family ( ) and support other famiies through donations of my products for giveaways. I’m donating 10% of all sales in May to the Sparrow Fund ( ) It’s a thrill to send these headbands for your trip. I’ve followed through blogs work being done at several of the places you’ll visit. Maybe one day I’ll be able to serve in person, until then, well, there’s headbands!!


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Twitter 101 For Crazy Bloggers

Posted on 24 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

I have been asking some of my favorite bloggers about adding twitter to my blog and they all unanimously said – do it!!  The reason we blog is to connect with other bloggers, but tweeting was foreign to me.  I want to thank all of you who started following me on twitter a year ago, when I had no idea how to tweet!  I’m finally on board, and had a few lessons from my son @michaelgibby1 on twitter 101.  I also love this post from friend, Michael Hyatt here on how to Twitter like a professional tweep!  Thank you, Megan Miller on your twitter tips, too.

First of all, sign up for twitter.. click on the adorable little blue bird on top of my blog.  He won’t hurt you, I promise!  Just add your name and come up with a crazy password and you’re in! You’ll quickly learn the tricks- #crazywords and you will start joining other crazy bloggers craziness!  Twitter really is fun and easy.

If you want to follow me on Twitter when I’m in Uganda you can read tweets from @MyCrazyAdoption and @michaelgibby1 – just type in our “names” and you will be an official mission trip stalker!

Once you are tweeting, check out how to make your blog posts permalinks tiny to add on your tweets.  Check out and also, Tweet Deck.

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How Will You Change the World?

Posted on 11 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

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Crazy Links I Love (updated)

Posted on 02 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!!  My Crazy Adoption brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example: to take readers directly to your site.  Leave your own “write up!”

You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love weekly post.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there in blog land!


1.  Simply Love in Action-  A Silent Auction and Fundraiser to benefit the Cabeen Family’s Adoption in Africa:

  • Sunday, May 22nd
  • 3:00pm – 5:00pm  Coffee House on Main Please join us for an afternoon of art, apparel and awareness.  Silent auction items to include beautiful artwork, hand crafted items, giftbaskets, season theater tickets and more!  T-shirts, bags, and scarves will also be available for sale.  All donations to benefit the Cabeen Family adoption.

2.  I’m selling some SWEET t-shirts to help fund our adoption. Check them out on our blog! To the praise of His glorious grace” Rachel Vander Wall.  Purchase tees here.

3.  Adoptive mom Julie Gumm has just published her book “Adopt Without Debt: Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption.” Woven through the telling of their debt-free adoption journey, Julie shares how to find extra money in your household budget, apply for grants, and fundraise in order to build your family without saddling it with debt. With over $65,000 worth of creative fundraising ideas from more than 25 adoptive families. Visit for more information and to order.

4.  After years of trying to continue to grow our family we have decided to adopt domestically. To help raise funds we have had wristbands made up. The Lord laid Matthew 25:40 on our hearts:

Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me.
We love that Jesus made it simple. Even if we do it UNTO ONE we have done it to Him. There are so many hurting people in the world and we have the privilege to serve Jesus by serving them. We opted to not specify adoption on our wristbands as there are so many different ways to minister to the “least,”  whether it be orphan care, prison ministry, elder and widow care… the list goes on and on.

If you’re interested in helping us toward bringing our little one home our wristbands can be purchased for $5 each. Please add $1 for shipping. The wristband  has Unto One on one side and Matthew 25:40 on the other. To order or for more info email us at or visit our blog at
5. After watching “Black Gold” and seeing the plight of the Ethiopian Coffee Farmers, we partnered with adoptive friends to buy several hundred pounds of Ethiopian coffee (fair trade) that we’re roasting in small batches and selling in hopes of raising funds for our adoption. We have passed court and are on the final stretches before Embassy and trusting God for the final pennies to travel back to get our son, Josiah. You can read more about our story and donate here:

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I Need Some Crazy Guest Bloggers

Posted on 28 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

I would love you to be a guest blogger on My Crazy Adoption Blog during my 12 day mission trip to Uganda! Please email me and submit your post for approval.  Please limit your posts to subjects for moms, adoption, missions, and orphan care.  This is such an exciting blitz for bloggers who love to write and make connections with other crazy readers! I simply love guest bloggers!!

I need topics:

    • Send me your post ready-to-go (that means y’all do the writing, editing, and spell checking)
    • Stick to the top 4 subjects- moms, adoption, missions, orphan care
    • Attach photos of your family or subject clipart
    • Mommy DIY craft
    • Add your blog link to share
    • posts to encourage, support, and make us laugh
    • yummy recipe

      Due date for your blog posts- May 22nd. 

      (don’t forget to include attachment with photo)

      Thank you so much for helping me blog when I’m in Uganda!



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      Crazy Links I Love

      Posted on 23 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!!  My Crazy Adoption brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!

      If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example: to take readers directly to your site.

      You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love weekly post.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there in blog land!


      1.  I am raising funds to travel to Uganda with Kari in June with Visiting Orphans !  I’m selling Ugandan necklaces, handmade by the beautiful women and orphans of Uganda.  You can see the necklaces on my blog here:
      AND, I’m also giving away a NEW Amazon Kindle 3G!!  Entries are only $10 each or 5 for $45, and you can enter on my blog, here:
      2.  We are using two of Kari’s Simply Love Tees to fundraise for a little village called Ogoloi, in Uganda! Our goal is to build a kitchen and storage area to better enable Children’s Hope Chest to feed the children! As are many children in U…ganda, many of these children have lost one or both parents from disease, malnutrition, and rebel attacks. Children often raise their brothers and sisters. Building this kitchen begins efforts to help Ogoloi return to self-sustainability! We would SIMPLY LOVE for you to purchase a tee and wear it with us on Mother’s Day to help us honor and support these children! Here is our link:
      3.  I need to build a team of 10 families/couples to help us serve a widow one Saturday (in the Springfield/Branson area) in the next couple of months. Will be working one full day to do a “makeover” on the widow’s home or lawn. Volunteers should be willing to gather sponsorships for their efforts and we will be raising funds to bring home 2 beautiful boys from Sierra Leone, West Africa. Email me if you’d like to live out James 1:27! My email is
      Site/Blog URL:
      4.  I am selling handmade necklaces and Just Love Coffee off my blog to help us bring home a special needs child from Hong Kong! We just received I800a approval and are just about to send out dossier in to HK. Not matched yet but could be anytime now! Necklaces are $15 each including shipping!…
      5.  My husband and I are traveling to Nairobi, Kenya in August and we are raising money to bring backpacks and school supplies to the orphans at Gathiga Children’s Hope Home. Some children are not able to attend school simply because they don’t have a backpack (which is regulation starting in grade 4 in Nairobi). We are accepting donations and selling handmade headbands and (soon) some other cute artsy stuff.…


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      Crazy Links I Love

      Posted on 08 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      {You Inspire Me}

      1. I am trying to fundraise for Andrielis’ Education. This is perfect for World Health Day tmrw as she is trying to become a nurse, and part of the program involves her volunteering in a clinic and learning about different diseases!
      2. I am raising funds for girls aged out of the orphanages in Latvia ages 17-20. These girls are put into the street with few to no belongings, no life skills, and no family or support system. Many girls end up going into prostitution by force.
      3. Check out my NEW Lime Green tote, celebrating love of lime!!! You can purchase the new tote on the link below and make a difference in the life of an orphan [and my son's missions trip!] Lime Crazy Heart Ragged Edge Tote | My Crazy Adoption Official Store
      4. We have a wonderful special that we are hosting at our Solomon Beads store… … You will receive a FREE pair of earrings for all orders totaling $40 or more.  So, stop on by and find something special for your mother, sister, daughter, or friend and take advantage of our fabulous offer.  Give a gift with a beautiful story of God’s perfect provision…give a gift with a purpose…give a gift that you have perfectly chosen.  Don’t see exactly what you are looking for?? We LOVE to make custom pieces so don’t hesitate to ask!
      5. Young Couple Creatively Fundraise to Bring Home Their Son from Ethiopia
        LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL (April 8, 2011)-Gerrid and Jessica Smith of Lakewood Ranch, Florida have just launched a website in an effort to help raise funds to bring home their adopted son Elijah from Ethiopia.
        The website has a picture of a large tree that is comprised of 1,000 small squares. For just $10, an individual can upload their picture to become part of Elijah’s, otherwise known as “Baby E’s”, family tree!The Smith’s are asking individuals and businesses to purchase space on their website to raise the remaining $10,000.00 needed to complete their adoption.
        “I love the African proverb that says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” And while this is true we believe it also takes a village to bring a child home…especially when it comes to adoption!”- Jessica Smith

      6. My husband and I are moving to Kitale, Kenya by the end of the end of the summer with our 3 children ages 6,4 and 5 months.  We are joining a ministry called Mattaw Childrens Village that rescues, restores and redeems orphaned and abandoned children.
        My husband and I have been traveling to Kenya since 2002 when we were dating. To make a long story short, here we are today, pursuing a life in full time missions in Kenya.  I am spearheading the buidling of Mattaw’s addition of “Sprouts” baby home for preemies to age 2. We are hitting the pavement for fundraising for this baby home as well as our personal support for our family.
      If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example: to take readers directly to your site.
      It’s your personal shout out!  You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love weekly post.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there in blog land!



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