Archive | Adoption

What Can I Do With All This Love?


What Can I Do With All This Love?

Posted on 16 June 2011 by Kari Gibson

What Can I Do With All This Love?

My husband and I began sponsoring ten year old ‘K’ through Children’s Hopechest in the Spring of 2009. When we travelled to Ethiopia to bring home our two children the following year, meeting him was a definite pit stop on my tourist schedule of Ethiopia. We spent several days visiting K’s school, care center and seeing an entirely different side to the city of Addis Ababa and the unique challenges faced by children who are in abject poverty. It was the most rewarding and heart twisting weeks of my life. I looked down and my heart was gone. It was know being carried by a tiny stature of a boy who was suddenly latched to my hand and calling me “mama.” It was second nature for me to call him “son.”

K didn’t steal my heart; I gave it the first day I threw my arms around him. I cried from the minute we got in the cab to head home. How could I have been so arrogant to believe that I would travel across the world, meet a child I only knew in letters and not be forever changed by that? Being home with a two and six year old proved distracting enough, but I couldn’t shake my time with K. I knew that our lives intersected for a special purpose and I wanted to know what more I could do to use that love and engage further in advocacy, orphan care and adoption.

As my husband and I discussed our options, we contacted our agency about adopting K. Adoption was the only language I was speaking in response to what I had seen in Ethiopia. When our adoption agency called us back and advised that K was unadoptable because he was living with his grandmother, I was actually crushed. My mama instinct kicked in and I kept arguing with myself that while he was still in his home country and surrounded by his culture, he didn’t have a mother. And I felt I was the only person who could fill that role for him. Selfishly, I wanted K here, in our home, in my reality of every day life, but God began convicting my heart and asking me to question if I wanted K here for my glory or if I wanted God to be glorified. OUCH!

With prayerful consideration and laying down my dreams, I asked what would most glorify God and continue to share my love for orphans, adoption and missions. I wrote a children’s book about a little boy who walks each day for water in Africa and when I went to meet the illustrator, he asked me if I had suggestions for the look of the main character. I laughed. No. I didn’t have suggestions; I only saw one face when I wrote the book; K’s. The book, “I Walk for Water”, will be released on June 12th, 2011, which not coincidently, is K’s 12th birthday. This fall, I will travel to Ethiopia to read the book to K in person and in public for the first time. He has no idea. We’ll be taking a documentary crew along to film the event and hopefully within the next year, K and I’s story will become a video journey of how one love can inspire another, and perhaps change the world.

The project has been such an amazing collaboration of love and fun, we’ve started our own publishing company. Hilarity Waters Press is a collaboration of artisans who refine education through stories and see those stories to life through art, illustration and imagination in order to bring about social and global change. A portion of the proceeds from “I Walk for Water” will be donated to Water Is Life, a non-profit known internationally for its ability to provide life giving water solutions. We will also offer wholesale pricing for individuals and organizations who want to use the book as fundraising for adoption, orphan care and/or missions.

Our journey with K is definitely ANYTHING but over. I would have never thought that God would have used a picture that sat on my desk to completely change my views on adoption, orphan care, and mothering from across the globe. His ways are so much more beautiful than we would know and while I am still standing ready to bring that little boy if it is His will; I am resolute that it must be HIS will and not mine, my family’s or K’s.

So while you are searching your heart for “what can I do with all this love?”, use the talents God has already given you and give it back to Him.

Hugs and Love,

Lindsey Andrews



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Found Abandoned


Found Abandoned

Posted on 13 June 2011 by Kari Gibson

Found Abandoned.

Two words and yet practically everything we know about our daughter’s past.  Not found abandoned with instructions attached.  Not found abandoned with a letter describing life conditions too harsh to raise a child.  Not found abandoned with a letter stating how much he or she really loved this child yet was unable to provide for her.  Not found abandoned with a piece DNA material attached to help us locate any family member that may be living.  The only information we have about our daughter’s past are those two words, along with a police statement, a few statements from witnesses, and the location of her abandonment.  On a hopeful note, the location of Sassy’s abandonment suggests that the person ‘dropping her off’ knew what they were doing and wanted her to be adopted.

Left to my imagination, coupled with life conditions we witnessed when traveling and what I have come to learn about our daughter’s personality, I suspect that someone loved her very much. Sassy’s ability to give and receive love demonstrates either a strong attachment to a previous caregiver or a fierce resilience and determined spirit.  I suspect there was either a death in the family or life conditions that warranted making the most difficult decision of one’s lifetime.  I suspect someone is still out there wondering if Sassy made it home and I wish I could just pick up the phone and let him or her know she has arrived, is thriving, and that all is well…except that huge gaping hole.  Who are you?  Where are you?  Does she have sisters or brothers?  Why didn’t you just go into the police station?  Why didn’t you provide more information?

Years from now when Sassy starts asking questions, I hope my answers and the love of our family are enough to make her feel secure and confident; although I know they will not be sufficient.  Nothing our family can give her will ever fill that gaping hole.  An information hole and probably a hole in her heart.  Thankfully, our God is bigger than any life circumstance.  He can fill any hole, heal any hurt, and provide a peace of mind that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

When the time comes to discuss her past, I am confident God will provide the right words and give our family direction.  He always does.  At this point in time, I do not know what that will look like, but I trust that it will happen when the time is right. Day by day, month by month, year by year, as we shower Sassy with our love, teach her about our faith in Christ, and parent all of our children to the best of our abilities, we pray that God is working from within.  That He is behind the scenes, building the foundation, and instilling faith and confidence.  Our God is the God of all things seen and all things unseen.  Although the trials of this life may never make sense to me while walking the earth, I earnestly believe Romans 8:28 when it says God causes everything to work together for the good of those who Him and are called according to His purpose for them.

In my opinion, Isaiah (who prophesied approximately 720-780 years before the birth of Christ), has some of the most beautiful, poetic, and profound statements in the entire Bible.  I will close this post with Isaiah 40:28-31.  A message of power, hope, confidence, and faith.  The passage states, “Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Oh, and let us not forget…God has found each and every one of us abandoned.  So, while we may not have a police report documenting the conditions surrounding our abandonment, our hearts each have their own story.  Found abandoned has nothing on our living God!

Monica’s Blog.

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Good Doesn’t Mean Easy


Good Doesn’t Mean Easy

Posted on 07 June 2011 by Kari Gibson

Rachel Vander Wall

“Good Doesn’t Mean Easy”

Often people ask me how things are going.  I can honestly answer, “good.”  I am pretty sure that most people translate that to mean “easy peasy.”  Truth is, this is hard work.  Relentless, non stop, and requiring more patience and energy than I have on my own.  Sometimes I feel like there is no way that I can do the same thing all over again.
Get up, shower, try to have devotions, get “interrupted,” oversee breakfast, clean up the mess, teach, go outside to make sure nobody goes in the street while they play, make lunch, clean up the mess, teach, go outside again, make supper, clean up the mess, get kids ready for bed, crash, sleep, repeat.
Sometimes I CRAVE a few minutes of QUIET, uninterrupted time.  I get up at 5:30 am everyday so that I can shower and have some time in the Word before the children get up.  Technically they aren’t allowed up until 7 am, but there’s a new kid in the house and he happens to be an early riser.  I let him sit by me and look at a book- it’s good one on one time for us, but it gets super tricky when one of the girls gets up to go potty and discovers that Teshome is up.  Then the “not fair” talking starts and I suddenly find myself surrounded by messy blonde heads and the whole idea of goes out the window.
Sometimes I feel like it’s a vacation to walk to the mailbox by myself.
Sometimes I am pretty sure I’ll go crazy if I don’t get to go somewhere without anyone else.
At those times I have to think big picture.  Stop feeling sorry for myself and think about my God and King and all He sacrificed to adopt me.  I deserve nothing more than eternal death and punishment, but by His GRACE I am free, I am a child of God, I have life, I have 6 beautiful children who need me everyday.  Yes, it’s messy and there’s lots of poop and laundry and fighting and I can usually think of a million things I’d rather do than push kids on swings for an hour.  Yes, the house is crowded and cluttered and I can barely keep up to make sure people have clean underwear, and we always run out of spoons, and there’s toothpaste all over the girls’ bathroom counter all the time and gas costs too much for me to go anywhere even if I could hire a babysitter.  BUT, do I really have any right to complain?  Not so much.  God is good and continues to supply my needs and enable me to get out of bed each morning.
Still, I don’t want people to think that in my answer of “good” I’m painting a rosy picture of the adjustment a family goes through after an adoption.  I wouldn’t want you to be inspired to adopt because of how easy it is.  It isn’t easy.  It is a blessing and it is wonderful and there are beautiful moments.  There is laughter and fun.  But there’s also the grief of a little boy who has left behind everything normal and comfortable to start a new life in a foreign land with no language skills.  There’s the challenge of five children who have to give up the level of activity and attention they are used to and sacrifice for a brother they don’t really know.  There’s the fact that we don’t feel comfortable with the idea of leaving him with any other care giver until we believe he confidently knows that we are his parents and family forever.  So, when I say good, please know that’s the short answer to an essay question. I’m just usually not sure if people are ready for the long answer.  If you are, I’d be glad to share more.  Otherwise, things are good.

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What Happens When The Adoption Dream Is Not Happy?

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What Happens When The Adoption Dream Is Not Happy?

Posted on 05 June 2011 by Kari Gibson

I wanted to send a post in for your guest blogger opportunity.  Excited for you and your trip!!  Can’t wait to hear all that God does!  Below is a blog post that I had written after we brought our daughter home from Ethiopia.  We were in the midst of incredible life change and after we’d been home 6 months, we had a major move.  She regressed horribly.  It was SO painful and scary to watch.  Through that time God taught me SO much about Him.  I think often newly adopted families go into the journey thinking somehow that after they adopt it’s the end of the journey, but in reality the journey is ONLY beginning.  Even for the most prepared families, these kind of setbacks can be terribly frightening.  I reworded this post a bit to flow better for readers that don’t know our family’s story.

We had been home from Ethiopia about six months with our youngest, Arsema.  We had read all the books … taken all the classes … but nothing could quite prepare this momma’s heart for the pain I’d have to face seeing my sweet daughter have her world shaken once again.   God still had much to teach me on our adoption journey … not just about caring for orphans alone, but about HIM.

Our mostly carefree little girl has temporarily transformed once again into a frightened wee-one with her guard way up. She looks at me as though I’ve let her down. We worked so long and hard to build trust with her and this set-back has hit me hard emotionally. And while I would not choose for her to go through this, the Lord is definitely working through it and teaching me even greater lessons about Him.

When I look into her eyes and see that stare of confusion I have to ask myself ….. is this what I look like when looking to my heavenly Father during times of difficulty and unknown. Does my guard go up when I don’t know what’s coming next? Does my anxiety level rise when my routine is broken? Oh you betcha! I sense the Lord whispering to my spirit these last weeks and months …. “My child, don’t you know that you can TRUST ME?! Haven’t I proven to you over and over again that I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU?! My word says that I WILL NEVER leave you or forsake you! …. Do you really believe me? I have been there with you every step of this journey, none of that has changed!” But my flesh and my weakness seep out at times and I give in to fear and I’m tempted to believe the lies of the enemy.

The Lord is so KIND and MERCIFUL. He does not hold office hours. He is readily available to us every single moment, if we’ll just look to HIM and embrace Him with arms open wide. I’ve had to ask myself a lot this last year what is it that keeps me from embracing Him! Often it is the fear of the unknown. At those times I’m challenged to take a look at His character. What I am coming to realize is that He is worthy of our absolute trust!!! He longs for His children to be completely, whole-heartily surrendered to Him.

I find myself doing lots and lots of reassuring with Arsema these days. Doing my best to meet her where she is, which is a bit regressed from where she was. I’ve been working to connect with her, seeking frequent eye-contact, maintaining limits so she feels safe and secure. Over and over again the Lord gently reminds me ….. this is what I’m doing with you, my child! I long for your COMPLETE trust. I want you to look to me, not with eyes of fear, but eyes full of vibrancy because you are SO familiar with me and my ways that you just trust me no matter where I take you!
I find myself trying to prove to my daughter that she can really trust me!, that I have her very BEST in mind, that I work to meet her needs. But you see, with the Lord it’s all been proven long, long ago. Unlike me with all my sin and selfish desires and inadequacies, the Lord has NO limits. He is the perfect example of a parent. He proved it all when He chose to die for me so that I might enjoy eternity with Him. Thinking about what He’s done for me, spurs me on to surrender, obedience and walking in truth. Oh that He would take out the yuck in my heart and life so that I can better serve Him and my family.

I look forward to the days to come, knowing with some extra work, patience and time, our precious Arsema will let her guard down and flourish once again. Soon her anger will give way to laughter more frequently and she’ll have figured out that we’re all still here and while her life got shook up yet again, she’s gonna be okay. How I long for her to grow up to know and understand her Heavenly Father’s love. What a privilege it is to walk this journey of life with her, even during her very grumpy moments.

Change does not come without pain. Even good change causes stress and anxiety. But as I’m learning day by day, the Lord can be trusted with every detail. Selling a house, securing a job, and raising support for a new ministry …. The Lord is in control of all of it. HE is the one who will make it all come to be, we need to focus on surrender and obedience each day, moment by moment.

Our sweet Arsema is now an amazing, thriving little four year old.  She has not only learned that she has a Momma and Daddy, three amazing big brothers an a spunky big sister who adore her; but also that she has a Heavenly Father who treasures her!

Shelly Roberts


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Why in the World Would You?

Posted on 04 June 2011 by Kari Gibson

(Scott- photos needed)


We are relatively new to adoption.  In fact, we’ve only just begun our home study and recently started telling friends and family about an incredible journey God has placed us on.  For a little over a year now we’ve been part of a ministry that shares the gospel with imprisoned children (some of whom are orphans) in Uganda.  It’s been a wonderful year and during that time God placed a desire on our hearts to adopt a child (maybe more) from one of the prisons.

Thankfully we’re in a community of families who have either adopted or are in the process of adopting, so we weren’t entirely shocked by some of the comments we started receiving after we announced our desire to adopt from Uganda.  Here are just a few we’ve received from well-intentioned friends and family after making our announcement:

“Why in the world would YOU want to do this?  YOU do enough already!”

“God has blessed YOU with such a beautiful family.  Why would YOU want to mess it up?”

“Why would YOU want to ‘muddy the waters’?”
“How are YOU going to afford putting 5 children through college?”

“YOU already have to pay for 4 weddings. How are YOU going to pay for another?”

“How can YOU love them all the same?”

“Where are YOU going to put all these kids?”

“YOU can’t handle the 4 YOU have.  How are YOU going to deal with MORE children?”

We apologize if it sounds a bit harsh but after listening to this all we want to say to our well-intentioned friends and family is “Get behind me, Satan!  You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”  Matt. 16:23.

Honestly, do you think we care one ounce about how we’re going to pay for a wedding 20 years from now?  Or what the sleeping arrangements might be in our house when our son or daughter arrives, or how this might impact the college fund for our children?  Please.

Nearly all of these comments are pragmatic and focused on how OUR life might be affected.  What about God?  Not once have we received a critical comment grounded in God’s Word!  Not once.

Or what about the life of the child God has called to our family?  What about his or her life? Should we allow them to continue living in prison and oppression so that our biological children have a nicer wedding or a better sorority experience at college?

Here are a few other comments (some of which we’ve actually received and some of which would be nice to hear).  Notice the difference from the statements above:

“I’m so excited.  I can’t wait to see how GOD works through all this!”

“What a beautiful picture of GOD’S grace.  May HE bless you as you walk in obedience to HIS call.”

“I’m praying for your family.”

“Praise GOD!”

“This will be a difficult journey but GOD will sustain you.”

“We want to walk alongside you in this.  Please let us know how we can help.”

“What an incredible picture of the Gospel!”

We realize there are a number of issues to consider – financial, medical, social, etc…  Unexpected things will happen and we can’t plan for all of them, nor do we feel we need to.  We know adoption will be tough.  We’re not kidding ourselves.  But God didn’t call us to a simple life of leisure and pleasure.  He calls us to a life of sacrifice where there will be suffering, persecution and reviling.  A place where we rely on Him for everything.

And we trust and know in the deepest part of our heart that God will equip us.  We have been “created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  Eph. 2:10.  All we have to do is walk in them. He has already paved the way.  We’re just walking down a road He’s cleared, graded, and prepared from the foundation of time.

So why in the world would we do this?  The answer is simple.  Our hearts desire to honor and serve God through adoption.  There’s no other explanation.  It may not be pragmatic or make sense, but we feel this is how God will be exalted in our life and we will not turn to the left or right no matter what strained logic this world uses or how unconventional it may seem.

To us there’s only one comment that matters:  “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

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Crazy Links I Love

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 28 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!!  My Crazy Adoption Blog brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example ) to take readers directly to your site.

You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love post content.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there!


1.  Hey Kari! I’m Kelly from VA. Love your blog! Just wanted to direct you to a post I just made.
I am sending 110 headbands to Elisa for your project. I found her when a post was made on a chat board I frequent asking for a cheap place to buy headbands. When I found out why, I knew God had directed me to your project! I have been selling bows and hair accessories for 6 years at craft shows and online. God has placed adoption on the heart of my family. We decided last year to adopt a special needs child from China. We have been met by all sorts of obstacles and are currently in a holding pattern, waiting on God’s hand of provision and perfect timing to move mountains. In the meantime, I fund raise for our family ( ) and support other famiies through donations of my products for giveaways. I’m donating 10% of all sales in May to the Sparrow Fund ( ) It’s a thrill to send these headbands for your trip. I’ve followed through blogs work being done at several of the places you’ll visit. Maybe one day I’ll be able to serve in person, until then, well, there’s headbands!!


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Crazy Links I Love (updated)

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Crazy Links I Love (updated)

Posted on 02 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!!  My Crazy Adoption brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example: to take readers directly to your site.  Leave your own “write up!”

You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love weekly post.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there in blog land!


1.  Simply Love in Action-  A Silent Auction and Fundraiser to benefit the Cabeen Family’s Adoption in Africa:

  • Sunday, May 22nd
  • 3:00pm – 5:00pm  Coffee House on Main Please join us for an afternoon of art, apparel and awareness.  Silent auction items to include beautiful artwork, hand crafted items, giftbaskets, season theater tickets and more!  T-shirts, bags, and scarves will also be available for sale.  All donations to benefit the Cabeen Family adoption.

2.  I’m selling some SWEET t-shirts to help fund our adoption. Check them out on our blog! To the praise of His glorious grace” Rachel Vander Wall.  Purchase tees here.

3.  Adoptive mom Julie Gumm has just published her book “Adopt Without Debt: Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption.” Woven through the telling of their debt-free adoption journey, Julie shares how to find extra money in your household budget, apply for grants, and fundraise in order to build your family without saddling it with debt. With over $65,000 worth of creative fundraising ideas from more than 25 adoptive families. Visit for more information and to order.

4.  After years of trying to continue to grow our family we have decided to adopt domestically. To help raise funds we have had wristbands made up. The Lord laid Matthew 25:40 on our hearts:

Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me.
We love that Jesus made it simple. Even if we do it UNTO ONE we have done it to Him. There are so many hurting people in the world and we have the privilege to serve Jesus by serving them. We opted to not specify adoption on our wristbands as there are so many different ways to minister to the “least,”  whether it be orphan care, prison ministry, elder and widow care… the list goes on and on.

If you’re interested in helping us toward bringing our little one home our wristbands can be purchased for $5 each. Please add $1 for shipping. The wristband  has Unto One on one side and Matthew 25:40 on the other. To order or for more info email us at or visit our blog at
5. After watching “Black Gold” and seeing the plight of the Ethiopian Coffee Farmers, we partnered with adoptive friends to buy several hundred pounds of Ethiopian coffee (fair trade) that we’re roasting in small batches and selling in hopes of raising funds for our adoption. We have passed court and are on the final stretches before Embassy and trusting God for the final pennies to travel back to get our son, Josiah. You can read more about our story and donate here:

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The Two Princesses Who Dyed Eggs (this is love)

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The Two Princesses Who Dyed Eggs (this is love)

Posted on 29 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

We celebrated Easter with our family and had a special egg dyeing station for the kids.  Zoie and her cousin, Annie were ecstatic to sit side by side coloring eggs.  This was Annie’s first Easter in America, so the anticipation was buzzing to capture the moment for my niece.  The girls worked at crazy speed, grabbing eggs and tossing them in the colorful cups of dye.  The joy on their faces was priceless.

As I watched the girls work together, I had a quiet moment thanking the Lord for His gift of adoption.  He allowed our family to expand with the miracle of two adoptions, but more importantly, this was the day to celebrate our adoption, too.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, we are adopted by God and called to love one another.

God is love—so you can’t know him if you don’t love. This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they’ve done to our relationship with God. (1 John 4:10)

This is love.

I would love to know how you celebrated the resurrection with your family.

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