Archive | April, 2012

[My Hubby Shares] Man Up For Single Moms


[My Hubby Shares] Man Up For Single Moms

Posted on 27 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

Single moms … you have the toughest job in the world! Without a doubt single moms know how to Man Up. I know when Kari takes off on a two week mission trip that propels me into the role of solo dad, all I can say is … Whew! The kids and I are all counting down the days for the return of my most awesome wife and mother of my three kids. Wow, before 9 AM I’m already exhausted from what seemed like a full day of work just getting them ready for school. I know my whining brings no sympathy for me (and I don’t deserve any), but single moms deserve our appreciation and a standing ovation each and every day. So, what does Man Up mean for single moms?

Today, as I was praying for Merse “Mercy” (our P61 Sponsor child) to get her approval for a medical visa, I couldn’t stop thinking about her mom, Mulu. Kari and I met Mulu two years ago on our mission trip to Ethiopia. Our paths colliding was not an accident but a specific miracle for our families. It’s amazing how God will supernaturally arrange meetings in the most unlikely circumstances. Mulu is a widow who lives in Korah with her two children. She is like most American single moms. She works hard to provide shelter, food, and an opportunity for her children to get the best education possible. Like so many single moms she put the needs of her children and everyone else ahead of her own needs.

For me, the highlight of the mission trip is always visiting Korah. It’s a very special place for Kari and I, as it’s the birth place of our daughter Zoie Senait. Now, witnessing big mission teams coming to Korah is nothing new or unusual. Mulu sees teams come and go, but God spoke to her heart to come and meet our team. She asked only a simple request, to come to her modest home to pray for her sick daughter, Mercy. When Kari and I lead mission trips together we rarely see each other. Continue Reading

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Crazy Links I Love [Fundraiser Shout Out]

Posted on 21 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

I love helping you “shout out” your fundraisers- adoption, mission trips, or orphan care projects. If you are FUNdraising for a purpose, please use the linky tool. This will take readers directly to your site. You can also leave a short “blurb” about your project in the comments! I know many of you are here looking for ways to bless a family or help make a difference living James 1:27 – this is your chance, pick a link and donate to their project! Crazy Links I Love is a collection of incredible projects my readers are doing to simply love. Email me if you have a project you want to shout out here in the post. Let me be your cheerleader!

Do you have any specific questions about fundraising?

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Soccer Games Are For Hugging

Posted on 16 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

Zoie and her new soccer team, the Black Mambas had their very first game on Saturday. I forgot just how adorable 10 little four years old kicking the ball, picking up the ball, hitting the ball out of bounds, and running the opposite way on the field. Zoie ran over to the side lines about 8 times to give us a hug. She melted the four of us and we can’t wait for the next game!!

Are you a cheerleader or coach personality with your kids?

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A Hard Conversation With Myself


A Hard Conversation With Myself

Posted on 13 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

My Life Is Crazy Too is a new series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. If you would like to submit a story to this series, email me. Today’s crazy guest is . {updated with new family photos}

I started thinking about this as we were completing our second adoption. Fund-raising. And can I just say we did a lot of fund-raising, which was probably what made me think long and hard about it—coffee, t-shirts, celebration cards, garage sales, silent auctions—and I’m sure I left something out. Oh, yeah, begging. But that doesn’t count, does it?
With the adoption of our first son from Ethiopia we weren’t very schooled in fundraising, so we didn’t really make any grand attempts at it. Yet we were still blessed to bring Micah home without incurring any debt. I was working part-time, which helped a little. And we had some very special Brothers and Sisters in the Lord make some very generous donations toward our adoption expenses, which helped a lot!!

Even still with our second adoption I think I lost a little faith. God did such miracles to bring our Micah home that I really just expected to have to suck it up with Judah. So the fund-raising ensued.
But something really started to haunt me as we pursued different fund-raising efforts. I was asking others to give toward our adoption, but what was I willing to give?? Or maybe give up is the better question. I’m a stay-at-home mom and my husband is a minister, so we don’t have much expendable income that we just blow. Our cars are older, and paid for. We don’t take luxurious vacations. We never spend more than $20 when we eat out. I don’t own a pair of jeans that cost more than $35. So there’s really no where to cut back. Right? Continue Reading

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God Sold Our Home!!!!!!

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God Sold Our Home!!!!!!

Posted on 11 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

I waited over 5 years to share this …. God just sold our home!!!!!!!!! The eve before Easter, we got THE crazy call that we have been praying and circling for years!!

He answers every prayer and keeps every promise. If you have the faith to dream big, pray hard, and think long …. there is NOTHING God loves more than proving His faithfulness. (The Circle Maker)

Do you remember this post in 2009 when I blogged about why we were selling our home? You, my blog friends, never wavered encouraging me here and here. We really believed God wanted us to give up our home and downsize to a smaller place to afford our upcoming adoption. It was very confusing and hopeless and discouraging when, year after year, it didn’t sell. Have you ever prayed for a miracle that had no answer? “Some of the hardest moments in life are when you prayed hard, but the answer is no and you don’t know why.” There were so many times it felt like God was actually getting in the way. And He was. And I’m glad He was. I think half the time, we were going in the wrong way. It was what we needed to keep moving forward. We built our dream home 10 years ago, but God changed our dreams. We want to give God ALL the glory for this miracle. I can’t wait to share with you the story from start to sell. It will blow you away! I’m still processing what He’s done for our family.

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What Is the Simply Love Kit?

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What Is the Simply Love Kit?

Posted on 10 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

The #1 question I receive from you is … What is the Simply Love Kit? For the past four years, I’ve been helping you fundraise with Simply Love and Man Up products. I partnered with an outstanding Christian based printing company and together we built a unique fundraising tool for anyone who needs to spread the Simply Love message to protect and love the fatherless. The graphic designs are trademarked and exclusive for use with the purchase of the Simply Love Kit. We now have over 25 country shapes and 15 unique graphics, as well as customizing the products to meet your fundraising needs. This kit is available to anyone that is …

  • Fundraising for their adoption
  • Fundraising for their mission trip
  • Fundraising for humanitarian projects
  • Fundraising for orphan care

If you are reading this post, you are most likely feeling completely overwhelmed with fundraising A LOT of money to pay for your adoption, mission trips, and projects. Believe me, I totally understand. I want to help eliminate your stress. The Simply Love Kit is only 3 simple steps. Once you purchase the Kit, you will Continue Reading

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My Top 3 Things … Coming Up

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My Top 3 Things … Coming Up

Posted on 05 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

I can’t believe what YOU did!! You helped us sell 676 tee shirts for the mission trip giveaway AND support the Haiti and Moldova projects with Children’s HopeChest. You made a big difference in the life of countless children and communities that will benefit from your donations! The winner of the mission trip will be announced on April 2nd on Facebook (look to the right side of my blog and click on Like!)

This sweet family in Pignon, Haiti thanks you, too …

Don’t forget, CHC requests your patience on waiting for your new Simply Love and Man Up tees (did they do an amazing job or what!) They are ordering all 676 tees in bulk to save every penny for the mission projects. As soon as they get the tees printed … they will mail out to you! Again, THANK YOU for your cheers, prayers, support, and shout outs for the past two weeks!

What’s next in my crazy life? Here are my top three big events coming up …. Continue Reading

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[My Hubby Shares] What Is A Modern-Day Warrior?

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[My Hubby Shares] What Is A Modern-Day Warrior?

Posted on 02 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

It’s such an honor to have my share his new quest, 127 Warrior with my readers! I have watched God do mighty miracles in his life and can’t wait to see what adventures He has planned for our family. If you enjoy this post or learn something crazy, please go grab your hubby and encourage him join the 127 Warrior movement. We have Man Up mission trips planned this summer (open spots!!) with several wonderful organizations, as well as the Man Up and Go movie, and conference coming soon!! It’s time to Man Up – protect and love the fatherless … living James 1:27 in a radical way.

My Life Is Crazy Too is a new series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. If you would like to submit a story to this series, email me. Today’s crazy guest is Roger Gibson.

What does a modern-day warrior look like? I recently saw the movie Acts of Valor. It was a total dude flick. No Hollywood actors. The actors were real life Navy Seal action heroes. It was the kind of movie where 40 year olds get to live out their warrior fantasies by watching these bad asses pulverize the enemy on the big screen. Hooyah!

Acts of Valor is about a Navy Seal Seven unit that is deployed to rescue a captured CIA agent behind enemy lines and defend the borders of the United States by keeping suicide bombers from entering. For me, a modern-day warrior operates very much like a Navy Seal, but in James 1:27 style. What does a 127 Warrior look like? As men, we are naturally wired to protect! In the book, The Male Brain the author called this hormone “Vasopressin the White Knight.” Vasopressin is the reason for our gallantry and monogamy. It makes us aggressively protect and defend our turf, mate, and children. Along with testosterone, vasopressin runs the male brain circuit.  A 127 Warrior is a man who is able to look beyond his own wall to Man Up for the fatherless. I know as men we instinctively know that we are supposed to protect our home, spouse, and kids but outside of our own very “wall” what does that look like? Unfortunately, four years ago I didn’t have a clue. Continue Reading

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