Posted on 28 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
My Life Is Crazy Too is a new series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. If you would like to submit a story to this series, email me. Today’s crazy guest is Kara Vassar.
When we were on our adoption journey, we wanted to feel connected to Ethiopia during our wait. So, we got our hands on a Yezelalem Minch documentary. We heard that our adoption agency helps this orphan/widow care ministry in Ethiopia. My husband and I watched it. I cried! We were amazed, in awe, saddened, and yet hopeful. In the movie, the visionary Birtukan and founder Nesibu were such an inspiration. They are truly the Hands and Feet of Christ in Ethiopia. The very next day, I sponsored a boy from Yezelalem Minch (YZM). I knew in my heart that I would help them spread their ministry someday. But, at the moment, our adoption journey was 1st priority. Within 6 months after we brought our 2 children home, I was offered a FREE pass for a week long Christian music festival (a festival that has been in my town for years, yet NEVER attended). At this festival the Lord spoke to my heart saying, “it is time to help Yezelalem Minch and be their voice”. I had NO idea what I was doing but I felt I could start by sharing their story on facebook. To move people’s hearts, you have to show them a need and how they can make a difference. I thought sharing the Yezelalem Minch documentary was the answer. After contacting the director, I had copies made and started sending them out free. The response was amazing! I was overwhelmed by how so many people stepped up to help these Yezelalem Minch children in Ethiopia. Now, there are so many YZM advocates throughout the US that children are being sponsored on a more regular basis. Praise God for this miracle. Nesibu, Birtukan and YZM staff do all the hard work by making sure their 1300 children are cared for, loved and valued as our very own children are. Continue Reading
Posted on 27 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
Alexandra won the Mission Trip Giveaway!!
Back in January, my friend’s mother (whose church sponsors the Ludlati carepoint in Swaziland with Children’s HopeChest)
posted about a trip to Swaziland that was going on this summer. I did some research on Swaziland and saw the high number of orphans and the AIDS infection rate. The life expectancy in Swaziland is only around thirty years. All of this astounded me and I felt this huge push to go on this trip.
There was also a spiritual side to my desire to go on this trip and it’s explained in my post called Jesus on Purpose ( It’s a bit of a long post but explains a lot of important things about my heart and God.
When I learned how much it would cost for me to be able to get to Swaziland, I was slightly terrified. However, the team leader assured me that he had seen God provide for everyone who was truly interested in these service trips. He had faith that the funding would come through and so I decided to commit to finding a way to go.
I told my friends and family and got immediate support. They encouraged me to start a blog so I could journal my experiences before and after the trip. Within a few days of learning about my trip, I had people doing bakesales for me and selling jewelry. People were sacrificing their time, energy, and resources to make my desire to serve in Swaziland a reality. Continue Reading
Posted on 26 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
I have a confession. Do you remember this post? The past three years, I have gained a total 25 pounds simply eating really unhealthy foods and not exercising. It was this recipe that really did me in. I’ve heard the rumors that when you hit 40 you can start gaining weight and really tough to get it off. I hated feeling like I was going to roll down the hill on my last mission trip to Haiti. We had to hike a mile up a steep hill to visit baby Julie and I was really struggling with burning in my chest and thighs (ugh) and breathing like I was running a marathon in high heels. Well, I came home and made a decision to self-care and get back in shape. I’ve been on a special eating plan the past 9 weeks. I stopped eating white sugar and white four …. I’ve lost 11 pounds, but now hit that dreaded plateau. If I’m going to lose the last 14 pounds, I’m going to have to up my game and start sweating and moving faster. There are so many “changes” in my life right now, that have challenged me to up my game spiritually. If you’ve been following my blog the past few months, you know we are selling our home. It’s been on the market for 5 years and we (as of this week) have our first potential buyer. They love our home and have come back 2x to walk through it! They left a note on the kitchen counter “we are praying through our decision.” I’m continuing through Mark Batterson’s book – and circling my dreams and praying fervently for His promises. When Roger and I decided to let go of our home, we knew we would gain so much more.
There is nothing God loves more than keeping His promises. He is actively watching and waiting for us to simply take Him at His word. He is watching over Matt. 18:18. He is watching over Is 59:21. He is watching over Luke 7:23. He is watching over each and every promise, and if that doesn’t fill you with holy confidence, nothing will. Praying hard is standing on the promises of God. And when we stand ON His word, God stands BY His word. His word is His bond. #The Circle Maker
I’m processing this idea of being a “risk taker.” Honestly, I wasn’t always willing to take a risk in my life … this is a new adventure. I typically handled risk like the Israelites- complaining or begging for a way out. Too often we let how get in the way of what God wants us to do. We can’t figure out how to do what God has called us to do, so we don’t do it at all. Mark Batterson calls this kind of risk “this is crazy” moments. Continue Reading
Posted on 23 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
Everyone deserves CLEAN Water!
My Life Is Crazy Too is a new series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. If you would like to submit a story to this series, email me. Today’s crazy guest is Julie Neal.
My best friend, Juju is an exceptional preschool teacher and famous for her cake baking skills, but what she is most recognized for is her passion for clean water! She has worked fervently for the past three years to bring clean water to the village of
Chuko, where her adopted son’s birth family lives in rural Ethiopia. She asked all of us to join her today celebrating World Wide Water Day!! Here’s what you can do to dig deep … this is Julie’s story.
I (Julie) know that I take for granted that at any moment I can access water from many places in my home. We turn on the faucet, dishwasher, washing machine and expect water to be there. Over a million people in the world to not have water. They walk for miles to collect DIRTY water to meet all of their needs. Eighty percent of all illness are from water borne diseases. This is horrible that in this century, people are still having to live like this!! Continue Reading
Posted on 21 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
Roger and I met in high school when I was 16 years old (he was 14) and life was never the same. For those of you who knew us in
those good old days at Scottsdale Christian Academy, I’m sure you wondered often why… a) I was rocking the cradle b) young love never lasts c) what did I see in the school rebel? I guess all those years ago, I fell in love with the guy of my dreams, but never dreamed we would have the grandest adventure for 20 years! I’ve had the time of my life! What I love most of all, being married to a younger man (he’s still soooo cute) and our love DID last, and he’s still a rebel … for God! We are so excited to see what God has planned this year for our family. We are praying for big, crazy dreams! We are both reading The Circle Maker and circling and praying and dreaming! Together, we want make the year 2012 one to remember!
Today is my 20th anniversary!!!!!! I thought it would be fun to show off some crazy photos from our beginning through the years- just the “two of us” pics. It’s kinda a big deal to celebrate 20 years of marriage, so I wanted to brag just a little in this fun video titled LOVE LIKE CRAZY! Continue Reading
Posted on 20 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
Over the past three years, I have received hundreds of guest posts from you, my crazy readers. These are your real stories and you inspire me, encourage me, and fill my heart with compassion as we embrace the unique situations each of us face in life. I learn
from you…. you are beautiful, kind, smart and important!! I know … quoting The Help is kinda corny, but I mean it! I’m starting a brand new series to compile all your submissions in one “easy to find” spot- My Life Is Crazy Too. I’m going back through the years and including your guest posts to the series to make it overflowing with stories you can re-read and share. I want you to tell us your story. This is a 100% mom blog that wears a lot of hats… we support and cheer for moms, advocate for adoption, and take care of the fatherless living James 1:27. This blog is ALL about sharing real life stories about how crazy life gets- the good, the bad, and the crazy in life, love, and mommyhood. As a mom, I need daily encouragement from other moms, sometimes just to make it through my day with a 18, 15, and 4 year old! My Crazy Adoption is not just about encouraging parents through the adoption journey…. but so much more!
Last week, one of my best friends went through a miscarriage. It was so heartbreaking watching her go through the agony of losing a child. It brought me back to the terrible day we held our son when he died. The pain of loss is so severe that the only thing you really want to hear from your family and friends … I’m so sorry!! The joy now in my life, I can share from my own experiences …. I didn’t have to ask her what she needed, I already knew. Every loss is different, but the pain is the same. I wish like crazy she wasn’t a part of the “club” of moms who have lost a child, but this is real life. God adopted us and promised us that He will never leave us or abandon us. He will walk with us through the pain and craziness of life. Continue Reading
Posted on 20 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
There has been so much buzz this week about KONY2012, but regardless if you approve or not … they have their “cause” out there loud and crazy and in our faces about the atrocities that have happened to the invisible children in Northern Uganda. This post is NOT about debating causes or giving you my opinion on making KONY famous, but simply … how do you pick a cause?
Honestly, I didn’t spend any time, or effort, or money supporting causes until I heard about World Vision 13 years ago. Their cause is simple- Sponsor a child. I was intrigued that you could sponsor a child and support their education. As a teacher, that was a
home run with my heart. It was exciting when my kids, Michael and Hannah received their first letters from our sponsors. Both children were from India and their photos brought them into our homes and on our refrigerators. It never crossed my mind to dream about visiting India and seeing with my own eyes where our sponsor children lived and went to school. I had no idea the impact going and doing something would do to my life … change my passions. Continue Reading
Posted on 18 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
THE STORE IS CLOSED!! Thank you for supporting the 2012 Mission Trip Giveaway with Children’s HopeChest!!
Children’s HopeChest has partnered with Simply Love and Man Up! to bring you a brand new set of limited-edition set of t-shirts. This exclusive design can only be purchased here at the Children’s HopeChest t-shirt store. Continue Reading
Posted on 16 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
{UPDATED WITH WINNER} This mini-giveaway had 66 entries and winner was selected on True Random Number Generator- #66
CONGRATULATIONS #66 M FURNELL!!!!!!! I just need you to email me and share your information to send your gifts!! I’m so happy for you and will officially enter you in the Mission Trip Giveaway!!!
Just think … someone could win the grand prize mission trip just by leaving a comment (now that’s crazy!)
This is the LAST mini-giveaway for my Children’s HopeChest project for Haiti and Moldova!! We have sold over 500 tees and only have 2 more days to go!! We are praying for a big, crazy, impossible without God miracle- 500 more mission-hearted people to join our project before the Mission Trip Giveaway Project ends on March 18th!! 100% of the donations will go directly to Haiti Home of Hope, Beginning of Life safehouse, tee shirts, and the mission trip!! This is what LOVE is all about!

(use this button to share- just copy & paste)
What do I win?
I’m soooo excited to give away to 1 blessed winner! I will randomly pick a mini winner here on My Crazy Adoption blog on Sunday evening.
- 1 free tee (you pick)
- 1 Children’s HopeChest gift basket full of treasures from all over the world
- 1 free entry to win the grand prize- mission trip (value $3000)
How do I enter the mini-giveaway?
It’s simple to enter the mini … just leave a comment!!! Please “SHARE” the project on your blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and email blasts for the next 2 days!!! If you don’t have a blog (that’s OK) but you need to let me know how you shared the project in the comments. You have 2 days to enter and 2 days to shout out the project to YOUR friends. Feel free to use any of my posts or photos or buttons to help you share!! We want to encourage 1000 mission-hearted people to join the project before March 18th! Continue Reading
Posted on 15 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
When you purchase a “limited edition” Simply Love & Man Up tee shirts look who YOU are helping in Pignon, Haiti at Haiti Home of Hope orphanage. These are all clinic children who are literally staying alive due to the formula program- Mother’s Milk Day every Wednesday. Families walk over 15 miles to Haiti Home of Hope and receive food and formula for their children. Only 3 more days left to buy HERE. Help me keep my promise to protect and love the 37 orphans living at the orphanage and 80 children we support on Clinic Day!! This project is soooooo personal to my heart!

When you purchase your Simply Love & Man Up tee today- you are helping these 2 precious girls have food & care at the Haiti Home of Hope clinic. I met them in January and made a PROMISE to protect & love. You ARE making a difference + shopping with a purpose!! STORE-

Look who YOU are helping build their new home in Pignon, Haiti with Haiti Home of Hope orphanage. This family (I hugged in January) lives next to a witch doctor. They both accepted Jesus in their hearts and now desire to move away from their WD neighbors to a new home. This is one of the projects YOU are funding with your purchase of a Simply Love & Man Up tee shirts HERE.

(Witch Doctor’s son- please pray for him today)

(Baby Rudy!! Haiti Home of Hope Clinic)

(The news broke my heart, but these precious twins died several weeks after our mission trip)
100% of the donations of the purchase of Simply Love and Man Up shirts will directly fund the projects at Haiti Home of Hope and Beginning of Life safehouse in Moldova and a FREE mission trip to visit and love the fatherless. Buy your tee shirt today HERE. If you can’t go on the 2012MISSION TRIP, you can purchase a tee in honor of a family member or friends. If you WIN, you can give your trip away!!! What an AMAZING gift to give away (can you imagine!!)
{Update: we have sold 400 tees and praying for 400 more mission-hearted people to join the project- keep praying big!!)
Posted on 15 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
And the WINNER IS ….. check this out or
Welcome to My Crazy Adoption blog!!!! I can’t believe I get to say these crazy words again …. We’re GIVING AWAY A FREE mission trip!! This is the 6th mission trip I have been blessed to give away this year! My brand new project with Tom Davis’ Children’s HopeChest ministry starts today!! Tom Davis and I are partnering again, for the second time, with Simply Love and Man Up to make a difference in the life of an orphan. Our two week blitz has three main CAUSES in one amazing project!! Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Continue Reading
Posted on 14 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
(Update: we have sold 361 tees as of today!!! Pray big and keep sharing!!)
I need your help bloggers!! Will you blog about the Simply Love Haiti and Man Up Moldova project Children HopeChest and help me spread the word to your readers! You can take a peek at the past two weeks of mission posts and use any content and photos to help you share the Mission Trip Giveaway! I want to make this as simple as possible for you to share. We ONLY have 4 more days left!!! Today, we have sold 275 tees!!! With your help, we can reach 500 before the end of the week- to bless the projects!! Big miracle … praying for 1,000 mission-hearted people to join us making a difference in Haiti and Moldova.
Tom Davis’ Children’s HopeChest Ministry travels to:
- Multiple connect community trips to almost ALL countries except Russia. CHC ministry have Vision Trips going to Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, and Russia and possibly India and South Africa for someone to join. Some of our Vision Trips are listed on our website

Here’s all the project information:
- Mission Trip Giveaway ends March 18th. 1 tee = 1 entry to win.
- The mission trip winner will be announced on Facebook April 2nd on site and here on My Crazy Adoption blog.
- Simply Love Haiti and Man Up Moldova projects here- Link for all details
- Winner wins a free mission trip (value $3000)
Simply Love Haiti- supports the orphanage Haiti Home of Hope
Man Up Moldova- supports the safehouse “Beginning of Life”
Please join us and pray for the projects!!

(Copy & Paste button to share)

(Sized to fit the new FB timeline)

150 x 150 button to share

Posted on 12 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

HopeChest T-shirts are back!
Buy your exclusive, limited edition t-shirt from Children’s HopeChest today in our online store. We don’t do this very often, so if you want a shirt: don’t wait. Giveaway ends on March 18th on My Crazy Adoption blog.
Your t-shirt purchase helps orphans in Haiti, supports sex trafficking survivors in Moldova, and enters you to win a free mission trip with HopeChest!
When you buy a t-shirt, you do ALL THREE of these…
1. You provide food, clothing, and medical care for 37 orphans at the Haiti Home of Hope in Pignon, Haiti. |
![safehouse1.jph.jpg]() |
2. You support 8 survivors of sex trafficking at the Beginning of Life rehabilitation home in Moldova.
![17.png]() |
3. You get entered to win a free mission trip with HopeChest. (One entry per t-shirt!) |
All that, and you can wear it too.
HopeChest t-shirts make great gifts for Easter, graduation, Father’s Day, or just because.
Please visit the links above to find out more about the projects in Haiti and Moldova you are supporting. And, please share this great opportunity on Facebook.
Got a blog? You can get EXTRA entries into the free mission trip giveaway. Just write an article and post a link on your blog. We track our traffic, so if anyone buys a shirt after linking from your blog, YOU will get an extra entry in the drawing. Get posting! Include the link
Don’t delay! These shirts are only on sale for a little while longer. Head over to the HopeChest Store to get your shirt today!
For the Fatherless,
![[object Object]]()
Tom Davis, CEO
Children’s HopeChest
P.S. Here’s a sneak preview of our best-selling design so far. To see the rest, just visit the store!

Posted on 10 March 2012 by Kari Gibson
If you are still having problems coming on my blog or blocked- don’t worry, it’s an easy fix. You have to clear your browser cookies. If you have no idea what I’m talking about …. read this post!
I have only heard stories of people getting their bank accounts or personal information getting hacked, but I never thought a crazy
blog would suffer hacking and viruses. First of all, I apologize for the craziness the past month here and want you to know I hired a professional web manager to clean things up. I’m 100% virus free, but a few of you have told me you still can’t get back to my site. I promise that will be an easy fix and a Cookie 101 lesson. A week ago, I thought a cookie was filled with nuts and chocolate chips, but actually they are also in our computer.
So, if you are still getting the”block message” from viewing My Crazy Adoption from top to bottom and can’t read my posts- then do this…
Clear your browser cookies, then again open the link. If still get block message then let me know.
You can get article for clearing the browser cookies from your browser here –
What are cookies? A cookie is a message given to a Web browser by a Web server. The browser stores the message in a text file. The message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.
Are cookies bad? Cookies do not act maliciously on computer systems. They are merely text files that can be deleted at any time – they are not plug-ins nor are they programs. Cookies cannot be used to spread viruses and they cannot access your hard drive. This does not mean that cookies are not relevant to a user’s privacy and anonymity on the Internet. Cookies cannot read your hard drive to find out information about you; however, any personal information that you give to a Web site, will most likely be stored in a cookie. In only this way are cookies a threat to privacy. The cookie will only contain information that you freely provide to a Web site.
How to Delete or Enable Cookies
How to delete cookies- If you are having problems accessing web sites, there may be corrupt cookies in which case you will need to delete the cookies on your computer. It is recommended that you also clear your web browser’s temporary files.
How to enable cookies – Cookies must be enabled for accessing many web sites, including Webmail and myExpedient as well as sites that provide a subscriber with personalized content or access to personal information.
For a yummy sugar cookie recipe- take a peek at this.