What Is the Simply Love Kit?

Posted on 10 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

The #1 question I receive from you is … What is the Simply Love Kit? For the past four years, I’ve been helping you fundraise with Simply Love and Man Up products. I partnered with an outstanding Christian based printing company and together we built a unique fundraising tool for anyone who needs to spread the Simply Love message to protect and love the fatherless. The graphic designs are trademarked and exclusive for use with the purchase of the Simply Love Kit. We now have over 25 country shapes and 15 unique graphics, as well as customizing the products to meet your fundraising needs. This kit is available to anyone that is …

  • Fundraising for their adoption
  • Fundraising for their mission trip
  • Fundraising for humanitarian projects
  • Fundraising for orphan care

If you are reading this post, you are most likely feeling completely overwhelmed with fundraising A LOT of money to pay for your adoption, mission trips, and projects. Believe me, I totally understand. I want to help eliminate your stress. The Simply Love Kit is only 3 simple steps. Once you purchase the Kit, you will:

Step 1- Pick Your Country

Step 2- Pick Your Product

Step 3- Sell Your Gear


Here’s how SIMPLE: I have organized the very best of everything for you… you can print our stunning graphic designs on literally HUNDREDS of products with Simply Love and Man Up. We customize the products to meet your fundraising needs. You get to pick the graphics, the ink colors, or keep them just like the originals! For example, if you are adopting from China …. you will pick the country China, pick your graphic design and contact the Simply Love Department. We have EVERYTHING ready to help you from A to Z. You can pre-sell your products …. only print what you sell upfront to your family and friends and supporters. Email me if you have any questions.

Are you fundraising for a special project? Can you share your brief “story” in the comments?

Simply Love & Man Up designs

Each country shape graphic can be customized for YOUR fundraising project. We can create any country graphic you need. Here’s what we have in the Simply Love Department: Simply Love USA, Haiti, Russia, India, China, Africa, Guatemala, South Korea, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Philippians, Moldova, Armenia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Congo, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Afghanistan, Mexico
[plus more...]


What Makes Simply Love Fundraising Kit So Unique?

After answering hundreds of emails on My Crazy Adoption Blog about fundraising for adoption, three years ago, I created the Simply Love Kit to help adoptive families raise their costs. Now, anyone can use the Kit for fundraising needs. The products will create buzz and momentum for your fundraising by involving your friends, workplace, youth group, family, and church.  It is proven to raise hundreds and even thousands of dollars. We offer 24 exclusive country shapes and 15 unique designs! {Updated} Simply Love is featured in two documentary films and showing up all over the world! Films: Spreading Hope and Man Up and Go The Movie.


Purchase the Kit Here:

This is a one time only payment of $79.00 for exclusive rights to sell Simply Love.

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