I love helping you “shout out” your fundraisers- adoption, mission trips, or orphan care projects. If you are FUNdraising for a purpose, please use the linky tool. This will take readers directly to your site. You can also leave a short “blurb” about your project in the comments! I know many of you are here looking for ways to bless a family or help make a difference living James 1:27 – this is your chance, pick a link and donate to their project! Crazy Links I Love is a collection of incredible projects my readers are doing to simply love. Email me if you have a project you want to shout out here in the post. Let me be your cheerleader!
Do you have any specific questions about fundraising?
- Help Kari Hamilton serve in Uganda this summer with eXile International: I am not anyone special. I am not an expert. But I know how to love and trust in God’s healing love above all. If you have been watching and reading about Kony 2012 and have felt lost as to how to help you can assist me and eXile! I will be fundraising to cover my support while I am in Uganda for 3 months. YOU can be a part of this journey with me and help change the lives of these former child soldiers; renew their life, heart and mind. You can WIN an iPad Giveaway here – Broken & Beautiful Blog. $25 per entry to win!!!
- The New Puzzle T-Shirt is out!! Get yours today to support our nursery school project in Jin-Ja, Uganda. This is an
extremely important project and need your help! We are hoping to raise $25,000 which will purchase all of the necessary supplies to start the school and fully fund it for the first year. In that time, we are hoping to secure more long term funding options for Pastor Andrew and the school. Eventually, we have hopes to bridge this into a primary school for older children and a vocational school for the mothers, but we will work on that as God provides.
- Mercy & Justice Adoption Fund!!! Every orphan deserves a safe environment with a dad and mom who adore them. Help Jeff and Charity Reeb accomplish their goal to adopt this year! Check out their AMAZING fundraising site here and join this special family (and friend) on their adoption adventure. (Don’t miss this!!)
- Blogs For A Cause is offering a deal for the rest of April! Blog designs will all be a low price of $20- that is a $10 savings! Not only that, but every penny will be donated to our Charity of the Month, the Education Fund! Go to http://dreducationfund.
blogspot.ca/ to learn more about the kids whose lives are being changed through this support.
If you have been considering getting a blog design, now is your chance! Please feel free to pass on this deal to friends so they can take advantage of it as well. Visit Blogs For A Cause at http://madebynikki.blogspot.ca/ to check out my portfolio and catch up on what has been going on. Happy spring! Blogs For A Cause - Watch the Man Up and Go trailer and join the movement here.
Don’t forget to check out the brand new tees available for YOU to sell with the Simply Love Kit here.
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